Rent or an exorcism

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Lucy waved the lighter enticingly towards the edge of the bed, crouched down on her knees, cheek hovering over the floor. “Come out, demon demon.” 

“I’m not a child,” hissed a voice from in the darkness underneath her bed, sulky and petulant. 

“You sure as hell are acting like one, Natsu.” Lucy flicked the lighter off, leaning back to sit on her heels. “If you keep hiding under there, I’m going to drag you out.”

“Luuuucy.” The demon whined, the whites of his eyes blinking owlishly at her. “Go away.”

She scoffed loudly. “This is my bedroom. Now stop being such a little devil and get out from under my bed!” 


Lucy closed her eyes, breathing through her nose sharply. “Natsu, you’ve eaten me out of house and home. Do you know how expensive you are as a tenant? And I didn’t even give you permission to live here!”

Natsu remained silent, shifting under the bed, his barbed tail scratching against the wooden floorboards with a wince-inducing screech. Lucy really hoped he hadn’t damaged her floor otherwise there’d be hell to pay. Literally. 

“You need to start paying rent or I’m calling the priest.” 

There was a loud, betrayed gasp followed by a thud of what Lucy assumed was Natsu’s horns against her bed frame, as he stuck his head out from his hiding place. “How could you, Lucy?” 

Lucy scowled down at the demon’s face, eyes narrowed on his scaly features. “Better start paying up or I will exorcise you.”

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