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Natsu the Leprechaun is looking for fairy dust.


The door of the fairy cottage opened with a creak. Natsu checked to ensure no-one was home, then crept inside.

It had to be here somewhere.

Somehow, he had imagined a fairy's house would be cluttered, childrens' teeth piled to the rafters, awaiting their turns to be ground into fairy dust. Yet this house was spotless. Meticulously spotless. Not a thing out of place. There certainly weren't any teeth anywhere, let alone any signs of the golden dust that he so carefully ventured inside said house to seek.

He tapped a foot impatiently, glancing around the room for a hiding place, anywhere the fairy may have hidden her treasures. At last, he spotted a chest in the corner of the room by the bookshelf. Grinning devilishly, he approached it with stars in his eyes. Yes...this is where she would keep it!

He knelt down beside the chest, anticipation flowing through his veins as he prepared to lift the lid.

"And here I thought all Leprechauns wore green," a voice mused behind him.

"That's a load if I've ever heard one!" Natsu snapped, ashamed that he hadn't heard her. His hearing was second to none. He must have been really focused for her to sneak up on him like that.

"Stand up slowly, Leprechaun," she warned, "I have yet to determine if you're armed, or just stupid enough to walk into a dwelling for sake of walking in."

"I'm unarmed," he told her, slowly rising to his feet.

"Ah," she quipped, "Then you're the latter."

Natsu frowned as her insinuation dawned on him, "I thought fairies were supposed to be friendly."

She gave a low chuckle, "It seems we both have misconceptions. Turn around slowly. No sudden movements."

"Look, maybe we can come to a deal," Natsu suggested as he turned slowly, his hands above his head, "I'm looking for -"

His sentence got stuck in his throat as he caught his first glance of her. Her long blonde hair was braided most of the way down her back. Her silver halter top and skirt matched the glossy tint in her wings, exposing her midriff and accentuating a generous bust. Dark brown eyes stared him down, a fairy knife extended toward him. It was carved out of animal bone...or teeth. He couldn't be sure what it was made of, but he didn't find it threatening at all, even if the serrated edges would undoubtedly give a nasty cut.

The truth was, she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.

"Are you sure you're a fairy?" he remarked, "I thought fairies were supposed to be ugly. Green skin and warts...maybe a third eye."

She gave an undignified snort, "Says the leprechaun with pink hair, wearing pantaloons."

He glanced down, unsure why she would make fun of his outfit. His clothing allowed him to move nimbly without drawing attention to himself. It was completely practical!

"At least if the wind comes up, there's no danger I'll expose my…lucky charms."

Her mouth dropped open as she covered her exposed cleavage, one hand holding down her skirt. He grinned, rather proud of himself for winning that round.

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