Sweet superstar

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Lucy really did not expect such a plot twist in her life now, when she had a full time job as a reporter in her favorite magazine, when she was independent enough to live by her own, when she was already twenty four years old and with a decent life.

But sure, life was a box of surprises.

She had started her routine day as always; waking up at seven a.m., taking a long, hot shower before dressing up in her navy blue skirt and white top. After, she had called a cab to go to work.

Nothing impressive, nothing strange. It was her typically every day life.

Until, of course, she had stepped out of Gossip Weekly Magazine building, heading towards her favorite bar in town, Fairy Tail. She was anxious to meet her friends.

So it was a big suprise when she turned around in the corner and literally bumped into the boy that changed her life, as she later learned.

She landed on her butt, hard. Blinking, she frowned at the man standing in front of her, ready to yell at him for being so reckless. She looked up to see his face, the sun behind him making it hard to spot all his features.

But oh boy when she did.

She gasped, her already big eyes growing wider. Her mouth opened and closed like a startled fish.

It couldn't be.

There was no way the most famous actor of the era was standing there, looking back at her with worried eyes and a hand held out for her to take it.

"Hey, you okay? That was a hard fall. Sorry," Hollywood Golden Boy said.

That voice. She was too used to it by now, working on a gossiping magazine and all that. She probably knew more about him than she did about herself.

"...Yo, everything's okay?" Natsu Dragneel said.

Snapping back to reality, she remembered who was the one to make her butt hurt so bad, and she got angry again. Superstar or not, she wasn't going to let it pass.

"Of course not!" She yelled, frowning angrily at him. "You made me fall!"

"I already said I'm sorry!" the young actor snapped back, but his hand was still waiting for her. "And are you gonna sit there all day or what?"

Lucy rolled her eyes. She didn't need another person snapping at her today. Her boss had done enough for now.

"Shut up," she said, and took his hand -which was really warm and enclosed hers perfectly, by the way- and he lifted her from the ground again.

Was it her imagination or this man had pink in his cheeks? It was meaningless to deny the fact that he looked more adorable in person than in the screen of her apartment. The blush matched his wild pink hair.

He looked as a child, even if he was supposed to be her age.

The anger inside her vanished, even if only a bit.

"Look around when you walk next time," Lucy scolded him, her finger pointing at him accusingly.

He frowned at her. "You weren't looking either."

"I was," Lucy retorted. "But you were running, weren't you?"

Natsu again avoided her gaze as he scratched the back of his head. "Maybe..."

Lucy smirked cockily at him, her mind already figuring out what had happened. "Some girl chasing you?"

Her suspect was confirmed when his onyx eyes widened, looking totally perplexed. "How do you know that? Are you some agent of the FBI again?

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