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Working at a paper company wasn't exactly the most exciting job I've ever had, or planned to ever have. It was nice though, my coworkers were…insane, but they were also like my family. We joked and had crises on the daily, most of which either I or the officer manager Erza had to fix.

Erza wasn't new to the office, but she was new to the whole 'commander in charge' profession. She held an iron fist over the company, compared to Makarov's easygoing hold before he retired. Everyone loved her, but there was always a part of everyone where they had nightmares about her at some point or another. Now that she held the power, the sucking up and ass kissing was honestly just sad.

I walked in for another day of grind and came over to the only person I felt completely comfortable with talking to casually. His name was Natsu, and he was the security guard for the front doors, which I honestly never understood why we needed. Who would hold up a paper company building?

He sat at a desk on the first floor, and I had to go up three floors to my branch. We didn't actually get to talk much, but we always made it a habit to catch each other in the morning and at lunch, and he even walked me to my car most nights. He was super funny and nice, though the amount of teasing he shot at me always got under my skin, but that merely seemed like a motivation for him.

I leaned over the counter, seeing him doing something on the computer before he glanced up to me, smiling at the sight.

"Hey you," I said, reaching over for his cup on the table.

"Hey," he raised an eyebrow, watching me take a sip of his coffee. "Wanna get your own?"

"All the way upstairs," I shrugged, sighing. I leaned forward and looked to his computer screen, gaping at the sight.

"You're watching netflix?" I whispered.

A crooked smile slid across his lips, "Nothing else to do. No one's going to rob this place anyways."

I shook my head at him, jealous, "You have the easiest job. You realize if Erza catches you though, you're dead."

He clicked away from the website then, pouting his lips at her name. "I can't believe she got promoted. You realize we're practically her slaves now?"

I laughed, "You haven't seen what everyone's been doing to try to get on her good side upstairs, it's like a circus. She offered around some assistant manager job so it's going wild."

"I know, I've seen it," he grinned, pointing back to his screen.

I looked where he referenced and felt my mouth drop open in a smile, "You have camera's down here?!"

I held the screen, seeing it divided into squares, each one showing a certain room or angle, including Erza's office and the break room. He looked to my face then, still grinning, "Why don't you think I've been caught before?"

I looked to his eyes, a scoff caught in my throat. He watched her come downstairs.

"That is genius. I'm impressed, really." I nodded, biting my lip.

His eyes wandered around, everywhere but towards me and shrugged nervously. I looked back to his screen, still somewhat shocked.

"So you can see everything that happens?" I asked, and he hummed, nodding. "Can you see me?"

He laughed a bit, pointing to one of the camera's, "Yup. You sit right there, right? Next to Lisanna?"

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