A holiday surprise

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Light flurries of snow had started to fall, adding more to the fresh piles on the ground.

Lucy giggled as she reached up to brush the flakes from Natsu's hair, wrapping her arm back around his.

Natsu turned to her with a wide toothy grin. Emerald eyes shining with affection, lacing their fingers together and gave her hand a squeeze. Pressing a warm kiss to her temple.

They had come to the main park downtown where light displays were up for Christmas Eve.

Slowly making their way along the path, content with each other's warmth. Passing people enjoying the different fixtures and trees decorated with colored strands. Laughter and joy in the air. The warmth of Natsu's palm felt even through his gloves.

They eventually passed by a group of kids building a snowman in the snow.

"Hey, Luce, how much ya wanna bet we can build one way better than them?" Natsu said, a smirk widening on his lips. Eyes flashing something mischevious.

Oh no, she knew that look.

"Natsu!" she laughed, "It's not supposed to be a competition. They're just kids."

"Even better, can show 'em how it's done," Natsu grinned wider, "unless you're not up for it?" His voice lowering to that smooth rasp that always made her weak. Not that he needed anything else to boost his ego.

Lucy narrowed her amber eyes at him. He knew she could never turn back from a challenge, almost as stubborn as he was.

"Fine, but don't slow me down." Lucy grinned and sent him a wink over her shoulder as she lead them to a fresh clear snow patch.

"Tsk, you just might be amazed by my superior technique, Luce."

Natsu was quick to kneel down and start gathering snow into a pile as they settled at a spot.

Lucy couldn't help shake her head fondly and giggle at his eagerness. Cackles and snickers bubbling from his throat.

How she fell for a big goof like him, but she was grateful for him every day since they met four years ago when she had embarrassingly enough had a fainting spell at the local bakery and Natsu had been the first responder.

Immediately drawn by his striking emerald gaze and toothy grin, and kind heart. He had captured hers since.

Lucy helped him pack some snow onto the growing pile when her own mischevious thought popped in her mind.

She tried to hold in her laughter, packing some more snow between her palms, the cold seeping through her gloves slightly.

"Hey, Natsu," Lucy said, trying to smother the grin that was twitching on her lips.


"I think you might need to check this snow a bit closer." Emphasizing on this, when she smashed some snow on his head. Then leaping up and running ahead with bright giggles at his wide-eyed expression.

"L-luce!" He sputtered, running a hand over his face and shaking off the snow. Jumping up and running through the freshly built pile to catch up to Lucy.

Which was just a few long strides, wrapping his arms around her. Lucy yelping as they tumbled down into the snow together.

They erupted into a fit of laughter together. Natsu eventually pulling himself up on his elbows, his expression softening as he adjusted her beanie on her head, nuzzling her cold nose with his. An airy laugh escaped her when Natsu started pressing kisses to her flushed cheeks, chin, forehead, before finally capturing her lips in a tender kiss that made her heart warm.

Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer before they broke away after several moments.

"You ready to go warm up now after making me destroy my masterpiece?" Natsu said with a dramatic pout.

Lucy breathed another bright giggle, "I'm sorry, you just looked so cute and excited I couldn't help myself." Brushing more snow from his hair, "But, yes let's head back, I need the warmth now."

"Hm, only if you promise me cuddles," Natsu murmured, nuzzling the crook of her neck.

"Yes, you big goof," she laughed, "I promise, now let me up!" Even with Natsu's warmth, the cold was starting to nip through her thick jacket.

And if she was being honest, she could use cuddles with her favorite person too.

Natsu pulled back up with a wide crooked grin. Quickly standing and helping Lucy up.

"But ya still love me," Natsu smirked, throwing an arm over her shoulder and pulling her flush to his side, Lucy's arm wound around his waist as they started making their way back to their apartment.

"Yes, I really do," she grinned, leaning up to press a warm kiss to his jaw.

Now they were curled up together on the couch, content in their comfy clothes, and warm blankets over them, watching a random Christmas movie on Netflix. Natsu holding Lucy close as she sipped on her hot chocolate in hand.

Their phones both pinged, Lucy picking hers up and smiling to see it was from Lisanna wishing everyone a Merry Christmas in their friend group chat.

"Lis says Merry Christmas," she grinned, "and it's officially midnight!"

Lucy bounced up, walking over to their small decorated tree, grabbing a few gifts she got him. She had been really excited about one of the gifts she had for him but now couldn't help the anticipation and anxiousness bubbling in her chest.

She really hoped he would be excited about that one too.

Lucy set them on the coffee table, grabbing the smaller one and settling back next to him.

"Here, open this one first."

"Luce," he chuckled, "you didn't have to get me all this, but thank you." Pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Lucy bit her bottom lip, watching his expression as he unwrapped the small box and lifting the lid. Gently pulling out a small knitted sock.

His brows drawing in slightly. "Merry Christmas, see you in eight months, papa…" he murmured, reading the ribbon attached to it.

Natsu's expression shifted, emerald eyes widening.

"L-luce? Are you- is it really-"

"Yes, I'm pregnant, Natsu," Lucy said softly, resting her hand on his forearm.

"I'm gonna be a dad…" he breathed, eyes still wide.

"Is that ok?" Her voice small, nerves still thrumming her chest.

"Y-yes! Gods yes, Lucy," Natsu's expression softened, a toothy smile widening on his lips.

Lucy yelped in surprise when he quickly wrapped her in his arms, pulling her close.

"It's more than ok, it's amazing! I love you so much, Luce." Natsu pressed a kiss to her head. Soothing her nerves as she melted against him, safe and content in his arms.

"Love you too, Natsu."

He pulled back, catching his bright eyes and wider toothy grin. Thumb gently caressing the soft sock still in his palm.

"I'm gonna- gonna be a dad!"

Lucy giggled at his excitement, "You're gonna be an amazing dad." Leaning forward to caress his cheek softly.

Natsu pulled her over his lap, "You're gonna be the amazing one, Luce, I know it."

"Well, glad we're in this together then," she said.

"Absolutely." Natsu placed a warm palm on her belly. Lucy giggling when he bent low to press a couple kisses to it.

He came back up grinning her favorite fanged smile. Lucy wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deeper slow kiss. One of promise and love.

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