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Natsu, Lucy, and Happy made it back home safe in Magnolia. They decided to go show the guild the ring and get Levy to analyze it. It was to make sure that the ring wouldn't some how curse them or pull any tricks when they made their wish. Natsu grinned broadly and kicked open the door, pushing a few member away as he did.

"We're back!" He roared throughout the guild.

"Nobody cares, flame brain!" Gray growled as he rubbed his head. He was one of the members were pushed by Natsu when he barged in the guild. Natsu cackled and decided to start a fight with the ice make mage. Lucy rolled her eyes and zigged zagged through the tables and members as she saw Levy reading a book next to Gajeel. He had his head down in the table, with his head in his arms.

"Levy-chan!" Lucy yelled. Her yell caught Natsu's attention. He stopped his fight for split second to look at his partner. He had to make sure she was safe from harm. But she's not in any danger, a voice said to Natsu. Natsu furrowed his brows. When had he became so protective of Lucy, almost to the point he was possessive of her. Scratch that, he always was towards the mage but that feeling had grown.

"Getting distracted from your opponent is unmanly!" Eflman hollered as he punched Natsu In the face. Natsu felt himself getting pushed down. He hopped back on his feet and started to fight them again, but made a quick glance at Lucy every so often. He was looking out for a friend, he convinced himself.

"Lu-chan! What's up- what is that?" She interrupted herself as Lucy got closer with a ring in her hand. The ring had a burgundy stone placed, but the actual ring was silver with an unrecognizable language carved in to the sides of the ring. If anyone could figure out what those words said, it was Levy.

"I need your help, Levy-chan. Can you please read these words on this ring and tell me what it says. I want to make sure this ring isn't cursed or anything." Levy nodded and took it from her and studied it.

"Is this the ring that grants any wish?" Lucy shook her head yes and watched as Levy looked over the ring with a critical eye. She then stopped over the words carved into the ring. She nodded and took out a piece of paper that was in her own bag. Grabbing the pencil that was conveniently stuck behind her ear, she started to translate the ring's words. "Wow, this is so cool!" She gushed. Once she was finished she read over what she wrote on the paper and nodded in satisfaction.

"What does it say?" Levy cleared her throat and started to read the translation.

"To sum it up, it says that you can grant any wish without any consequences. So you, Happy, and Natsu are free to wish anything you want. Just be extra clear, but i wouldn't worry Lu-chan. I can't even sense any bad energy from the ring." Lucy laughed excitedly and swipped the ring from Levy.

"Thanks a billion, Levy-chan!" She ran off to Natsu, Levy watching her with a small smile. "Natsu Natsu! Come here!" Natsu stopped his fighting immediately and made his way over to Lucy. Gray looked at him in awe but didn't say a word. Natsu took a seat with Lucy while she called over Happy.

"What's up, Luce?"

"Well, I asked Levy-chan and she says that the wish will not come with consequences. So, what shall we wish for?" Natsu placed a finger on his chin in thought. Happy was about to say something when Lucy stopped him.

"Not fish." Happy let a frown adorn his face and he pouted.

"Well what do you suggest then?" Happy frowned. Lucy opened her mouth with a smile and this time, Happy was the one interrupting her. "That's not money." She shut her mouth quickly and looked away with a small blush, embarrassed he figured out so quick.

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