Fallen Star 1

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"She is like a falling star who has finally found
her place next to another in a lovely constellation,
where they will sparkle in the heavens forever."
- Amy Tan


October 22nd, 2011
Day 3

There was something different about Lucy today, and Natsu couldn't quite put his finger on it. As they sat in the courtroom, awaiting the arrival of the judge and her bastard father, Lucy sat silently, looking like she was contemplating life.

Today, they were bringing up the molestation evidence.

It made Natsu cringe in disgust having to think back to when Lucy showed up on his doorstep, covered in bruises and blood, looking like she was ready to fall apart by a single touch. It was haunting how the outline of every bruise was permanently sketched into his mind.

But, to lock Jude Heartfilia up, they had to bring out all pieces of evidence.

"Please stand for Judge Gran Doma."

The entire courtroom rose as the head of the courtroom entered. He made his way towards the judge's desk and signaled for the room to sit.

"You may be seated."

Natsu sat down and eyed Lucy from behind. She seemed a lot stronger with her shoulders squared up and her head facing forward. He was glad because he could only imagine what type of emotion would be stirred in the courtroom today.

"Today marks Day 3 of the Jude Heartfilia case. We will be addressing the charge of molestation and involuntary rape against Lucy Heartfilia."

Natsu could feel the air thickening in the room. Briefly looking behind him, he could see mixed looks etched on the faces of his fellow classmates from Fairy Tail.

None of them, including himself, knew exactly what they were in for.

"Your honor, if I may?" Capricorn took no time to wait for Jude Heartfilia's lawyer.

Gran Doma nodded, giving the goat like man the go ahead.

"I would like to call Jude Heartfilia to the stand." Said man stood from his place and walked towards the man. The air was thick with contempt as the entire crowd gathered in the courtroom was glaring at the older Heartfilia.

"Master Jude Heartfilia," Capricorn began, "Or, that's what I use to call you before you fired me as your lawyer." There was few whispers throughout the room, but it was information Natsu already knew.

"For many years, you were an honest man. A man who was highly respected, a man who people looked up too. You ran an honest company and followed the rules. You lived a tired, but happy life with the late Lady Layla Heartfilia and Miss Lucy Heartfilia, did you not?"

Natsu watched as the mustard haired man eyed Capricorn slightly. It was hard to believe that the man standing at the stand was once a well-respected businessman. All the memories the pink haired teenager had of the aging man was of distaste and hatred. Lucy use to say that even though her father was always busy, he still was happy to see her mother and her at the end of the day.

"I did." He replied, monotonous.

"So what changed? What was it that compelled you to hurt your own daughter?"

Looking at Lucy, Natsu could see his best friend turn away from the man she called her father. She couldn't even look at him.

How could she?

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