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Everyone left the room as the guild went to celebrate the Dragon Slayer's win, Panther had gone off to find Gajeel with Levy which would not end well for Natsu.

Lucy had asked if they would close the curtains as they left as she wanted to sleep for a little while, overwhelmed by the emotion of relief that Natsu was around to protect her from harm and had showed that the Fairy Tail dragon's were never ever to be messed with.

Elfman had been okay end to go to the celebrations but Wendy and Porsica had asked that Lucy stay in the room as many of her injures could be reopened if she started parting, especially with Fairy Tail.

Soon only one person was left in the room with Lucy, Natsu. He had sent Happy away with Carla and Wendy, with not much persuasion needed, and didn't want to go to the party without Lucy.

It was like a repeat of what had happened with the Rainbow Cherry Blossoms that Lucy only got to see because Natsu had sailed one down the River next to her house. Natsu didn't really like doing anything without Lucy and fighting Sting had let him get his own back on what had happened to Lucy during her fight with Minevra.

Natsu needed Lucy and Lucy needed Natsu. They both knew this but couldn't quite tell the other. They had fallen for each other and neither were the wiser to the other one's feelings.

A man once said that "Love is blind to the people involved but obvious To everyone else." And that was certainly the case with the Fire Dragon and the Blonde Mage.

"Natsu? What are you still doing here? You should go celebrate your win, not be here." said Lucy from the comfort of her bed as she looked up to see Natsu still sitting on a chair, by her bed, with the curtains closed to give them some privacy but not much.

"It doesn't feel right to go to party without you Luce. Plus fighting Sting and Rouge was mainly pay back for what Minevra did to you." Replied Natsu from his chair as he moved closer and started stroking her hair.

"thanks for that by the way, from what I heard you did to them, I kinda glad you go overboard sometimes."

"Good knowledge for next time." Natsu chuckled.

"I didn't mean you could now go and destroy everything on every mission we go on." said Lucy trying to stop any ideas from getting into Natsu's head.

"I know. Anyway, you look really tried. Get some sleep and after I have something to tell you."

"Okay Natsu. Just don't feel like you have to stay here with me, you should go and Party."

And with that Lucy feel asleep and Natsu moved back a bit to give her some room. He then heard someone come charging down the hall. Gajeel thought Natsu as he slipped outside of the room to confront him.

"What was the big idea Natsu?! Why the hell did you do that!?" shouted the iron Dragon Slayer as he spotted Natsu exit the room Lucy slept in. He had Levy and Panther hot on his heels to stop any major injuries occurring as they still had to compete in the Magic Games.

"I needed to defeat Sting on my own. He kept on saying that he had to defeat me to prove how weak Lucy and the rest of the guild are. Plus I really wanted to smash his face in for what Minevra did to Lucy." replied Natsu in an almost calm persona. "Can we also keep the shouting to a minimum, Lucy is asleep."

"I don't care about Bunny Girl, I care that I didn't get to defeat either of Sabertooth's Slayers because you had the idea of pushing me into a mine." said Gajeel with Levy to his right.

"Don't say that about my Best Friend, Gajeel. If thou want me to support you then respect them."said Levy slightly annoyed that her new boyfriend was angry that Natsu wanted to keep Lucy in her room and not out here. "Anyway, we should all head to the party. You helped Gajeel so everyone in Fairy Tail will still Treat you like a hero just as much as Natsu."

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