Long distance

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Natsu's head snapped up, peering over and pushing through the crowd of the bustling airport, wanting to find the source of that sweet voice. Finally coming to a stop when he spotted a flash of golden hair that crashed into him before he got a chance to reply.

It took him a couple seconds to come back to himself. Arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, soft vanilla scent drifting up to him. Emerald eyes falling closed, arms winding around her pulling her close as her comforting warmth surrounded him.

"Lucy…" Burying his nose into her hair, breathing her in. How he missed having her in his arms like this. College was far away and kept him too busy and away from her most months out of the year. Luckily he only had one more year left to go, but the distance was becoming harder and harder each time he had to leave.

"I missed you so much, Luce." A slight strain in his voice, bringing up a hand to cradle her head his fingers starting to thread through the gold strands.

"I missed you too." He heard the tremor in her voice, her hands clinging to his shoulders tighter.

Tears started soaking into his shirt, causing him to back up slightly. Hand coming around to cup her cheek, thumb brushing some lingering tears away gently.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Lucy leaned into his touch, chuckling through a sob as she smoothed out the lapples of his coat.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy to see you." Deep amber eyes glossy with tears, but bright with joy. She gave him a warm smile, brushing his longer bangs away from his face.

Natsu's expression softened, a soft smile on his lips. His arm around her waist keeping her close to him, forehead falling onto hers.

"Let's go home," he whispered, "but first…"

Natsu's lips brushed hers gently before dipping his hand behind her neck and closing the space between them. Turning the kiss deeper, filled with need and longing after not being able to taste her for so long. Swallowing the gasps and soft sounds Lucy made as she melted into him.

How he had missed this. Missed her.

"Oh shut up!" Lucy tried to stifle her laughter but fell into a fit of giggles.

"Come on, Luce. Ya know you missed hearin' my awesome jokes in person," Natsu replied, teasing grin wide.

They had finally made it back to the apartment and were sprawled out on the couch. Random show on in the background, of what, they couldn't remember. Her legs thrown over his lap, his hand playing with her fingers.

Natsu's head fell back onto the cushion, content to look on and soak in the happiness she radiated, the way her bright smile lit up her face, made her nose scrunch and her eyes crinkle. How she would lose herself in the moment. She was just so beautiful, it made his heart ache that their time together was always limited. He would hear her soft laugh over their number of phone calls, but he knew her true laugh, and she was always one to put on a strong front after all.

Lucy's laughter died down after several moments, turning to find him staring at her.


Lucy's cheeks were already flushed from all their laughter, but he loved the sight all the same.

"Nothin' much," Natsu said, green eyes fond, with a lazy smile, "you haven't laughed in a long time, and I guess I was staring 'cause I forgot how that looked like."

Lucy turned a darker shade of pink, "N-natsu…" she tried to pull her hand out of his but he only squeezed tighter and pulled her to him so she fell onto his firm chest. Wrapping his arms around her. Pressing a kiss to her head.

"I can't wait till we get to spend everyday together like this," he murmured, pulling her further under his chin, soft breaths tickling his neck, "I miss your smile, your laugh, everything…"

Lucy hummed softly, tightening her arms around his waist. "I miss you too… so much." Her shaking whisper, muffled in his shirt.

Luck brought herself back up slightly, pushing back the fringe from his tired eyes.

"We're almost done though, then we can start the next chapter of our lives together." Lucy gazed back at him fondly. "But until then, let's just enjoy the time we get to spend together now." Moving forward to press a kiss to his brow.

Natsu breathed a deep sigh, turning to kiss her palm after she placed it over his cheek.

"Can't argue with that, Luce." The hand resting on her back pulled her forward so he could capture her lips with a tender kiss.

Lucy pulled away slightly, "I love you, Natsu," she whispered against his lips.

"I love you, too. Always." Natsu tightened his arms around her, never wanting to let her go.

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