Lucy's Invisibility potion

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"Hey! What's happening to me?!" Lucy shouted as she looked down at her invisible body what was enveloped in clothes that were fading away. "Why are my clothes starting to disappear?!"

"No!" Levy exclaimed worriedly, "I was afraid something like this would happen."

"Like what?" Erza turned to her, "what's going on here?"

"Time can drastically change a potion's effects," Levy explained, "and I think this one's gotten way more powerful!"

Freed looked at the potion in his hand, continuing for Levy, "she's not just turning invisible, I'm afraid her very existence is being removed from history." Suddenly, the pink potion evaporated.

Carla gasped as Wendy exclaimed, "the bottle just vanished!"

"If her existence is being nullified, then it makes sense for her personal belongings to vanish too," Carla said and looked at Wendy, "I bet you everything in her apartment is disappearing as we speak!"

Lucy's eyes widened and she looked down at herself, "No! This can't be happening to me! I don't wanna disappear; I wanna live!" Suddenly, she could see herself again. She looked back up at her friends, "Look! I'm right here, plain as day! You see?! I'm as real as you!" She placed a hand on her wrist only to have it go right through her skin like it wasn't even there. She gasped.

"Weird…" Levy muttered, "I totally just blanked on what I was talking about…"

Lucy blinked confusingly at her.

Freed rubbed the back of his hair, agreeing, "Yes…I suppose it wasn't very important…"

"I could've sworn I was in the middle of painting something," Reedus wondered, "but what?"

"This sounds weird," Wendy told Carla, "but I feel like there's someone else who's supposed to be here with us."

Carla responded, "I'm having a similar feeling as well…how odd…"

"Could we be under a spell or an enchantment?" Erza wondered.

"I don't know…" Gray said. You could see the gears turning intently within their heads, "I guess it's possible…"

"Are you feeling anything weird, Natsu?" Happy hovered over to him.

"Hmmm…." Natsu tapped his chin, "I'm hungry?"

Lucy gapped at him, "come on! I'm right in front of you!" When he didn't respond, she turned to her friends and shouted, "what's the matter?! Can't you hear me?!"

Max walked right by her, "oh well, I guess it's back to the daily grind then."

She stared after him in shock and confusion.

"Freed," Reedus asked, "if you're not too busy, I could really use a model for more practice."

"Yes, of course…"

"None of these jobs look good either…" Nab mumbled to himself, staring intently at the request board.

Natsu was sitting at the bar like he was when Lucy first arrived, eating and drinking away. She ran over to him, "Natsu! Stop drinking and look at me!"

Nothing. Not a flinch, not a glance…nothing at all from him. "He doesn't remember me…" Lucy ignored the sudden heartache she had. Scowling at the sudden foreign feeling, she turned away from her best friend, running toward Gray. "Hey Gray! Can you hear me?!" Gray continued to laugh away at a joke she missed as if her shout wasn't heard at all. She spun around toward the nearest table. "Erza! Happy! Wendy! Carla!" Nobody answered her…nobody heard her. She spun around again, this time, turning all her friends and not just one or two people. "Please don't forget me!"

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