What if, a new member?

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He kissed her forehead, nose and then captured her plump lips. Lucy smiled into his mouth and reciprocated his action with equal affection. It seemed to her that Natsu was in an extremely cuddly mood, well he was most of the times, but this felt different.

"I wanna ask for something, Luce," he mumbled into her hair after pulling away.

Lucy grinned, he was just flattering her so he could get what he wanted. Such a goof! Not that the blonde minded.

"And what's that?" She glanced up at him, batting her lashes seductively, her hair shone brightly in the morning rays coming through the open window.

Natsu smirked at her antics and pulled her tightly against his bare chest, noses brushing as he pressed their foreheads together. "Do you think... we try for a.. uh, baby now?"

Lucy stilled for a few seconds. Yeah she heard him correct.

"Natsu-" Lucy started but her words fell short soon, "I don't... know, I mean..." she trailed off and snuggled into his body even more. As if to escape. Natsu wouldn't deny that he was slightly upset by the response but Lucy's happiness and comfort was above anything else, if she wanted to wait some more, he would support her.

"Hey hey.. weirdo, listen if you wanna wait, we can. It's no big deal really. See, I just wanted to have mini Natsus and Lucys running around," the pinkette chuckled, softly rubbing her back. "But we can always do that once you're comfortable enough, Luce." He added reassuringly.

The girl stayed silent for some time before she spoke up.

"N-No, it's not that I don't think of our babies. I just don't know if I'll be a good... mother, you know." Lucy uncertainly said. "Properly parenting a child is really important. And you know that I didn't have mama with me for long, and.... I had issues... with dad," she bit her bottom lip. Her hands came up to her chest as she closed her eyes shut.

"Lucy, Luce look at me, c'mon look at me..." Natsu cupped her face in his hands and forced her to look. "Trust me, if anything, you'll be the best mother." He said.


"Did you forget how you took care of Yajeh and Shutora for days when Gajeel and Levy were on jobs, or did you forget how much time you spend Romeo and Asuka? And the kids, all love you." The man smiled and kissed her face multiple times, as if to shoo away all of Lucy's doubts.

"Do you really think that?"

"Yeah, I do. You couldn't receive much love from your parents, that's why I think you'll love our kids even more." Natsu reasoned.

Lucy beamed up at him, figuring she could manage anything as long as she had Natsu by her side. Yeah she could.

"Thank you, Natsu."

"I love you." He replied.

"I love you too." She said back, lovingly staring at him. "Umm, then we can... try... for a baby." 

Natsu's eyes widened before he pulled her in a breathless kiss. They panted once pulling away, a blush on both of their faces.

"But are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah." She flusteredly answered.

"Then shall we get to it?" The pinkette cheekily asked, earning a playful scowl from the blonde.

"We'll get late to the guild!" Lucy reminded and pulled him out of the bed shortly after. Natsu whined but complied as always, following her to the bathroom.

That's how a typical morning went at Dragneel's. Now they just needed a new little member. Wouldn't things be much sweeter with a mini Natsu or a mini Lucy running around? Definitely.

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