Fairy Haunted House

477 19 4

I know it's not Halloween but well-
Nvm just read it hahaha

"What...what is this?" Lucy muttered in disbelief.

"I-It's okay Lu-chan, it can't be anything that bad!" Levy assured her friend.

"I-I think so too!" Wendy added shivering a little.

There they were in front of the guild, dressed in their Halloween costumes. Lucy dressed as a cat, Levy as a pixie and Wendy as a witch. This is it. This is the Fairy Haunted House. This time the guild had set up a haunted house on the occasion of Halloween. Usually everyone spent their Halloween trick or treating or playing pranks on each other, but this time to earn money Master and everyone else decided to use their own 'talent' and come up with a cool haunted house.

For trial, Master requested Lucy, Levy and Wendy (the 3 most normal people). They were sort of suitable candidates for this trial, or so the guild members thought. Reluctantly, the three agreed after thinking it won't be bad.

But it was bad. Not in that way. It was looking too...scary.

The three of them stood at the gates of the guild. The title board of Fairy Tail was changed to Fairy's haunted house by sticking our another banner over the word 'tail' which read, 'haunted house' in a very...very shabby handwriting. They decided it was Natsu's work. Over the gates, fire torches were lit and the gate was covered with yucky green sea algae. Over all, it was looking too...dangerous to go in, knowing suddenly it's their guild mates who had set up the haunted house. Correction, rowdy and destructive guild mates.

"I think we should leave when we have the chance," Lucy said and was about to turn on her heel when suddenly, the closed gates screeched open on its own and they were welcomed by-


"Kyaa!" the three of the girls screamed and hugged each other in terror. They released each other when they realized the one who scared them was none other than Bixlow. Bixlow snickered and came out of the darkness.

"Yo ladies! You must be the ones checking on our haunted house right?" Bixlow said, his tongue sticking out as usual and rolling his tongue at 'right'.

"I think we leave after all," Levy said as her head was beginning to ache.

"Hey you just cant leave like that! The money we are to earn depends on your decision!" Bixlow said.

"Excuse me Bixlow-san...may I know what are you dressed as?" Wendy asked politely. Bixlow was just wearing garbage green overalls. On his head he was wearing a head band, which looked like a knife slashing through his head.

"Oh it isn't something very common..." Bixlow said in a low voice. "But THIS adds to the costume, which makes me A CHAIN SAW GUY!" Bixlow yelled excitedly in the end as he removed a chain saw out of no where.

"Eek!" the three girls screeched.

"Do you want to see the chain saw work? It's amazing!" Bixlow said.

"NO THANKS!" the three of them screamed.

"Well anyway I wasn't going to show...you come inside in the haunted room set up by the Rajin Tribe!" he explained. "And don't worry, the blade is made of plastic so it isn't dangerous!"

"I don't know about that..." Lucy sweat dropped.

"I was just told to come out and tell you girls that you can enter in now, everyone's ready," and with that he went inside snickering to himself and they surely heard him mutter, "This is gonna be fun! They're gonna be hell scared!"

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