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Happy clapped his hands over his mouth as soon as Lucy and Natsu wandered back to the now much quieter festival grounds holding hands. It didn't work; he was unable to smother his giggles. Both humans glared at him and asked simultaneously, 'What?!'

"You liiiiiiiiiiiiiike each other!" The exceed spelled his wings and flew crazy loop-de-loops high over their heads. "You liiiiiiiiiiiiiike each other!"

"Well, sure - we're partners." Natsu held tighter onto Lucy's hand. "Lucy's a great person and awesome mage. I'm proud to call her my friend."

"Why wouldn't I like Natsu?" Lucy smiled at Natsu. "He's been the best partner anyone could ask for and he's kind and an awesome mage too! We've been friends from the first day we met!"

"Oh, I'm sure you liiiiiiiiiiiiiike each other more than friends!" Happy flew clutching his belly and cackling hysterically. "Fuh-fuh-friends! Fu fu fu!"

"Oi! That's enough Happy!" Natsu snapped, "I know you like teasing us, but you're crossing the line."

Happy landed in front of them and made an effort to appear serious. He crossed his arms and stared each mage in the face before taking a prudent step backwards. "The proof you liiiiiiiiiiiiiike each other is not exactly hiding."

"Huh? We weren't hiding." Natsu shrugged. "We just had enough of the crowds for a while."

"Yeah," Lucy agreed, "We had enough of the crowds."

"Tch tch tch." Happy shook his head. "The matching hickeys on your necks tell me a different story." With that bombshell, the exceed flew out of range. "You liiiiiiiiiiiiiike each other!"

Lucy tried feeling for hickeys on her neck. "Why didn't you say something?"

Mildly shame-faced, Natsu shrugged. "I'll let you borrow my scarf."

Lucy stepped closer to Natsu and hugged his arm. "Thanks for the offer, but let's find me my own. We can match that way too!"

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