Knights and dragons

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"Papa, can we play knights and dragons?" Stella asked, wide hazel eyes looking up at him pleadingly.

"Dragons? Hmm I dunno…" Natsu replied, scratching his chin as if in deep thought.


Natsu's grin widened as he laughed softly, "Ok ok, yes of course we can," pushing some of her soft brown hair from her face, as if he could say no to anything she asked.

"Though I should warn you, my fair knight, I won't be so easily beaten!" Natsu declared as he swung on a red hooded cape that had a trail of spiked scales down the middle and soft horns on the hood.

Something Lucy had crafted for him after Stella started to really get into dragons, much to Natsu's excitement. Stella especially loving when she discovered the dragon among the tattoed sleeve on his arm.

Her hazel eyes brightened. His heart warmed at the wide smile she gave him, even if she was missing a few teeth.

"No way! We'll get you this time dragon! Come on, Ry!"

A younger blonde boy looked up at his sister who had raced by him to dig into the toy box beside him but he was content already playing with his own toys for now, babbling some non-words.

Natsu pulled the hood over his head and crouched down behind the arm of the couch while Stella was distracted for a moment before she turned around with her small foam sword and plastic helmet.

"That little knight will never find my special secret hiding spot," Natsu cackled dramatically.

Then Stella was suddenly in front of him, "I'm not little!" Her cheeks puffing out.

"Ah she found me!" Natsu grinned as he jumped up, his heart warmed at Stella's bright and loud giggles that filled the room as she chased him around the living room a few times before grabbing onto his leg.

Natsu slowed his steps, dragging his leg that she was attached to. "You're too fast for me," he said, straining his voice, "I can't go any further."

They reached the couch where Natsu fell back along it, Stella draping herself across his belly. A soft oof escaping him.

"This knight is too strong, help me, Ryu!" Natsu groaned, stretching his arm out towards the boy.

Ryu turned at the sound of his name, a bright four-toothed smile lit up his face as he pushed himself up and took a couple wobbling steps over to Natsu.

His small hands hitting Natsu's chest and pulling on a soft horn on Natsu's head. Natsu's large palm warm on Ryu's small back, thumb rubbing soft circles against his shirt.

"Not you too! Strength… weakening." The kids only giggled more at his dramatics.

"I knew we could do it this time, Ry!"

Then the door opened and he spotted a flash of gold.

"Momma's home!" Stella cheered. Her victory forgotten for the moment.

"Hi sweetie!" Lucy smiled, catching Stella as she ran up to greet her.

Warmth fluttered in Natsu's chest. He loved watching Lucy be a mother.

When they talked about having kids, he knew she was going to be a natural, but when Stella finally came into their lives and the adoption was final, she was simply amazing. Even more so when they got a miracle and were eventually able to have a child of their own and Ryu was born.

His gorgeous amazing goddess. He was grateful he got to spend the rest of his life with her.

Lucy walked further into the living room with Stella on her hip.

"Look, we caught the dragon, momma!"

Lucy gasped, her grin brightening when she caught Natsu's gaze. "You really did!" She set Stella back down, brushing some brown strands from her face before she ran off back to her toy box. Content with today's victory against the dragon.

"Ah, beautiful princess!" Natsu reached out to her, matching her smile with a wide one of his own, "these knights have bested me, you're my only hope."

Lucy laughed, settling down beside him on the couch, "Hi my sweet boy," giving a few kisses to Ryu's pudgy cheeks. A few giggles escaping him before walked back off with Stella to dig through the box.

She turned back to Natsu, a teasing glint entering her eyes. "Hmm, so the tough dragon is the one that needs saving this time huh?" she smiled, pushing the hood from his head and caressing his cheek.

"Luushhii," he pouted, leaning into her warm soft palm.

"Oh stop," she giggled, "you know you're always my big strong dragon." Her voice lowered to a whisper as she leaned over and gave him a slow kiss.

A low growl rumbled from Natsu's chest as he wrapped an arm around her to bring her closer and deepen the kiss. She knew how much he liked it when she called him that.

They parted after a few moments, sharing a soft look. Natsu kissed her nose, making her giggle. She kissed his jaw in return before she sat back up.

"Glad your day off went well?"

Natsu followed her movements to sit up. "Yeah we-"

"Careful, momma, we can't let the dragon get up!" Stella had bounded back over to the couch, interrupting his reply by tackling his chest, making him fall back on the couch. Even Ryu joining back in.

"No!" They all laughed brightly, Natsu trying to tickle them to get them to relent.

He caught Lucy's fond gaze. "I love you, Luce," he said, giving her that wide toothy smile.

Her warm grin widened. "I love you too." She leaned over the kids to give him a sweet kiss. "Always."

It was never a dull moment, but he wouldn't change a thing.

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