Face mask?

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Natsu landed on Lucy's bed quietly and looked around for his blonde companion. Happy was out with Charle, trying desperately to win her over with his fish, so he decided to pay Lucy a visit. However, he didn't see her anywhere in her room, and he scratched his head.

He hopped off her bed when he heard Lucy in her bathroom. But her shower was off, and he heard rustling and things hitting the counter, so just what was she up to? He waited a few minutes, stealing a few snacks from her kitchen while doing so. He tapped his foot impatiently. He didn't want to suffer another Lucy Kick that would sure come if he barged in, so he decided to wait.

After a few minutes he heard Lucy humming and coming from her bathroom. She was dressed in comfy sweats and a tank top with her hair pulled into a high ponytail. The only difference was the stuff on her face. Was she....green?

"Uhh...what the hell is on your face?" Natsu said staring at her, bewildered.

"More like what the hell are you doing in my house!?!" She looked around and seen the mess he made in the floor, looking at the empty bags of snacks he had eaten. "How long have you been here!? And why are you stealing my food!?!"

"So noisy...and I think my question is more important anyways. Why are you green? And what is that smell?" He said leaning in close to her, sniffing her closely. She blushed slightly feeling his forhead against hers, then gasped loudly pulling away.

"No! Natsu, I just finished putting on my face mask!" She said feeling the now bare spot on her forhead. She looked up at him with a glare. It only lasted a quick second though, seeing the missing part of her mask on his forehead now. She cracked a smile and let out a laugh, as Natsu held a look of horror feeling the sticky mask on his face.

"WHAT THE- Lucy, what did you do to me!!" He touched the concoction on his forehead in disgust.  She laughed harder as she walked towards her bathroom again to fix the spot on her face.

"It's called a face mask, it helps making clearer skin and hydrates my skin."

"I don't see the point of this face stuff. You have zits anyways Lucy." He said trying to rub it off, only spreading it further.


"Im just kidding. Jeez, calm down." He walked toward her and gestured at his head. "How am I supposed get this goop off?"

"You should put one on. Its good for your skin~," She sang at him as she successfully covered her spot. He looked at her like he was crazy, but nodded his head anyways.

"Okay." He said with a smile. Lucy whipped around shocked.

"Eh?? Really?" She said with some hope in her voice. She wasnt against seeing Natsu in a face mask.

"Yeah, why not. You do it."

"Okay well...come here." She pointed at the spot she was previously in, in front of the mirror. She turned on the lights and grabbed a hair tie as Natsu walked to her bathroom.

As Lucy went for his pink locks, Natsu flinched back.

"Hey! I said that mask goo was okay, not that!" He said starting to pull away and step back. She rolled her eyes and brought him back in front of her.

"Well i have to tie up your little hairs in the front. It's either its put up or you get the 'goo' in your hair." She said cocking her head to the side with her eyebrow raised. He sighed heavily.

"Ughhhh, fine whatever." He said blushing lightly as her hands found her way back to his hair and her chest came closer to his face. Successfully putting his bangs in a little poof on his head, she giggled and turned to get the bottle containing the mask,and the brush she used to apply it.

She began to apply it to his face (with the occasional questions of "why is it so cold?" and "seriously, why does it smell like that? Ive never smelt something like this") as she laughed at his reactions. For one, she never thought she would be putting a face mask on Natsu Dragneel, the big bad Salamander. And secondly, she never imagined it would be so much fun to do so.

When she finished, she washed the brush and told Natsu he had to wait to wipe it off his face for at least 10 to 15 minutes so it would have the best effect on his skin. He nodded and slowly turned his head to see his face in the mirror.

He looked at himself for a minute until his eyes flicked over to the blonde girls reflection in the mirror. She was smiling to herself as she put her stuff away in her bathroom. Her look of relaxation and happiness put a smile on his own face. He loved seeing her happy. Her eyes met his in the mirror and she flashed a toothy grin at him and his heart felt like it grew seeing her smile and him that way.

He returned the smile to his blonde partner. Natsu didn't know that this would be so much fun either.

 Natsu didn't know that this would be so much fun either

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i got my inspiration from this picture. I hope y'all enjoy

 I hope y'all enjoy

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