Late Night Chat

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"hi everyone," eunchae smiles tiredly at the livestream she had started on her ipad. "i thought i'd come on and say hi - maybe have a little chat about life," she hummed as fans rolled into the livestream, enthusiastic and already yelling at her through the screen.

unnie we've missed you!!
how are you?

chuckling, the girl waves a hand as she adjusts her posture on the chair she sat on inside her apartment. "hello everyone, i am well thank you for asking. been busy working on some stuff for you guys," she teased with a smile. "uh, yeah," she shrugged. humming to treasure's come to me, she lightly sings random lines of the song before returning to her hum, eyeing the chat quietly. "reaction to got7's leave? i- i was cheering with them," she chuckles. "bruh we made it out of there!"she cheered half heartedly.

fnajdnak eunchae queen
expose jyp
do it!!!
queen behaviour !!!

"you guys want me to expose me former company?" eunchae raised an eyebrow at her livestream, licking her lips as she stared at the screen to watch the flying comments. "i'm not going to do that, loves," she shook her head, a soft giggle leaving her lips.

how are you and san?
do you like san's pink hair??
current favourite song??
i love ur hair 🥺

"san and i are doing well loves," she reassured. "he's just been busy with schedules and i've been busy working on some stuff," she explained with a hum. "i do like his pink hair but i miss his black hair," she pouts. her phone then rings, the screen lighting up with felix's contact name on her phone. answering, she clears her throat as she speaks in an australian accent. "ello felix!"

"hi are you home?" he asked, the sound of clothed feet moving on wood was heard on the other side as eunchae thought he was moving around the dorm. "i made brownies~" he said in a high pitch tone.

"i am home sir felix," eunchae chuckles, glancing at her phone to read the flying comments asked to put him of speakerphone. "i'm live on instagram right now, want fo say hi to stay?" she asked the younger male who immediately agreed. quickly placing the call onto loudspeaker, her livestream goes wild at the sound of felix's voice.

"stay hi!! please support eunchae noona's japanese album!!" he boasted as eunchae laughs at his free promo of her japanese album. "okay i'm getting manager hyung to take me over," he said before the two hung up on the call.

"felix everyone," eunchae applauded with a smile.

felix best boy!!
you're so pretty
i love you!!!

"hmm i think i should go and make some dinner for felix and i," eunchae commented, running a hand through her dyed hair. "its late, bye loves! i love you and hope you have a great day or night!!"

NOTE ! it my birthday yay!!

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