Forcing my Boyfriend to reacting to my new song | Eliana Son 🐻

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Eliana Son                                                 Subscribed | 🔔

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Eliana Son                                                 Subscribed | 🔔

Eliana Son                                                 Subscribed | 🔔

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italics = english

"Hello," Eunchae smiled, sitting on the couch in her newly decorated living room with her boyfriend beside her, eyes plastered on his phone as he messaged his members in their group chat

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"Hello," Eunchae smiled, sitting on the couch in her newly decorated living room with her boyfriend beside her, eyes plastered on his phone as he messaged his members in their group chat. "San is ignoring me for one reason and that's because he's texting ATEEZ," she sighed as he turned and faced her automatically asking what was wrong. "Huh? Oh, no it's okay don't worry just finish texting the others," she waved her hand dismissively to him.

San gave her a side eye before continuing texting his members before shortly locking his phone and placing it screen-side down on the table in front of the two. "Anyways, I have my bed desk here and my laptop," Eunchae smiled, feeling her boyfriend's arm wrapping itself around her waist she continued speaking. "And I'm going to have him react to my new song," she giggled. "Ready baby?"

"Ready!" he cheered with a smile as Eunchae chuckled at him.

Eunchae sat by San's side as he pressed play on the video, letting the sound track play out, her figure only appearing in a very few scenes before she fully appeared lip-syncing her lines on the screen

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Eunchae sat by San's side as he pressed play on the video, letting the sound track play out, her figure only appearing in a very few scenes before she fully appeared lip-syncing her lines on the screen. He hit the pause button so quickly it made Eunchae jump as her boyfriend stared at her with wide eyes. "Okay first of all," San began, turning to look at the screen once more before whipping his head back at her. "Who allowed you to dress like this? And secondly, look at you!" his tone changed from strict and unapproved to cheery in a matter of seconds. Eunchae laughed and hit the space bar again,  making San to face the screen once more. "Why is the camera filming your legs so closely?!" he asked as his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.

"Just watch it!" Eunchae yelled playfully at him as he trued calming himself. "I look good!~" the female awed as her boyfriend kissed her cheek when she placed her face over his shoulder to look at the screen.

As the chorus hit, San hits the pause button once more, staring at his girlfriend with a deadpanned look. "I feel disrespected." he commented as Eunchae laughed at him. He hit play again, completely indulged into the music video. A smile makes its way onto his face as he watched Eunchae's behaviour in the music video. "Aw babe you look amazing~" he smiled. Eunchae giggled and kissed his cheek, also watching it as San placed his left hand over her legs, lightly caressing the skin as they watched the video in silence, San commenting here and there.

"Okay, how was it?" Eunchae asked her boyfriend, arm resting on his shoulder as she stared at his beautiful side profile

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"Okay, how was it?" Eunchae asked her boyfriend, arm resting on his shoulder as she stared at his beautiful side profile. "Did you like it baby?"

San sighed, his right hand resting on his hip and the other over her crossed legs. "It was difficult to breathe but it was amazing," he spoke before turning and looking at the girl beside him. "You did an amazing job with this song baby, I'm proud of you," he smiled before giving her a sweet gentle kiss.

Eunchae smiles in the kiss before turning to face the camera when they separated. "Well there's his reaction! Hope you guys enjoyed this video~ Give it a thumbs up, ring the bell for notifications of every time I upload and subscribe!" she giggled.

"Bye loves!" "Bye!~"

"Bye loves!" "Bye!~"

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