Last Straw

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Eunchae was laying on the living room couch, relaxing as the members had a day off and was watching random youtube channels on the tv. Most of the members were either back at home, self isolating or in the dorms sleeping. Hani came out from her room and sat down in front of the couch, grabbing the tv remote to play ATEEZ videos.

"Do you ever watch anything else but ATEEZ?" Eunchae asked with a raised eyebrow, sitting up as she stretches her arms.

"No because I'm a true ATINY unlike you," Hani rolled her eyes at Eunchae. "Also," the younger one turned to face Eunchae who sat on the couch. "Frankly I don't think you deserve to be in Stray Kids. And I don't think you deserve to date San because he should be with me and not you, but don't worry, he'll be mine soon," Hani glared at her, turning back around to fave the tv. "Ugly ass..."

Chan and Felix, who happened to hear the entire conversation had peeked their heads into the living room, evaluating the situation in front of them. The two knew it was rare that Eunchae did not get mad or angry easily and in fact she was highly known for having such a kind pure soul.

"Yah," both Chan and Felix flinched at her tone. "You really think you own this place huh?" her eyebrow raised as she started emotionlessly at Hani who gave her an oblivious look. "Well, let me tell you that being cocky will bring you nowhere. Speaking out about other people's relationships and trying to destroy their happiness is equally as pathetic as it is disgusting," Eunchae glared at her. "Idols work hard for others to respect them as seniors who have been in the industry for years. Have some respect for those who dedicated their lives to being an idol. Some of them even spent 10 or more years training to be the idols they are today and if you were to be seen disrespecting a senior like that, you would be under fire for it. So some advice, mind your own business when it comes to others personal lives and respect your seniors."

Eunchae ended with cross arms. She stood up and noticed Chan and Felix standing in the hallway of the living room. "What are you two doing? Go back to bed, it's like almost midnight," she commented.

"Another thing Seo Hani," she turned to younger girl who stared at her. "Stop trying to take my boyfriend. Cause I would hate to see you leave because of malicious comments," Eunchae gave her a sweet smile, heading into her room to call San.

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