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eunchae had been invited by 1theK to perform for a specific fan at a certain location that the staff would find out by their friends. her location was at an amusement park and her target was a high school student by the name of jung eunhyuk, who happens to be a big fan of hers. there was a valentine's day event happening at the amusement park so the soloist dressed in a red two piece with angel wings and pink makeup — heart stickers being placed on her cheeks.

"this is going to be fun," she said to the camera that was filming her as they moved to where a large group was gathering. the female had a red bucket hat that covered her face, her head hung low as she made her way to the centre of the crowd. with a smile, she takes off the hat as the crowd cheered her name loudly. eunchae smiled and waves to everyone, spinning around before she spoke into her microphone. "annyeong everyone! i came earlier and did someone's makeup," she said as fans screamed. with a smile she called out to the male, giving him a hug as she spoke. "i added the hearts on your cheeks, we're matching~" she chuckles at his flustered state.

returning to his seat on the ground by his friends, eunchae got into position to perform her song: BABE. she sang and danced with a soft smile, interacting with her fans by walking around, giving them high-fives, posing for their videos and hugging a few lucky fans. eunchae walked around to eunhyuk, smiling as she squatted by him, singing her song before she returned to the centre where she danced with her dancers.

once she finished performing BABE, eunchae asked what fans wanted her to perform next. everyone cheered for her debut song, ROLLERCOASTER so that's what eunchae decided to perform. she took off the angel wings she wore, handed it to a staff before she got into position to perform the song for her fans. the event was a fun schedule eunchae did — she ended the event with more interactions with her fans and bidding them a safe trip home before she left to return to the dorms.

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