Eunchae + Mayse Interactions

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Stray Kids and NCT were attending the same event and it was during the ending stage where all performers stood on stage and said goodbye to their fans. Eunchae stood between Hyunjin and Chan, swaying lighting side to side with a smile on her face. She suddenly jolts when someone stabs her sides; scaring her. She turns and faces Mayse who smiles evilly. "Yah! Son Mayse!"


Mayse was filming for her youtube channel with Eric when her phone rang. She showed the contact being ' the cutest bear 🐻 ' and answers immediately. "Yes? I'm filming for youtube~ Black bean noodles please~ Okay bye!" she smiled and ends the call. "Eunchae is bringing food!"


Mayse sat at a round table by herself. NCT 127 had been on tour and she was alone at an award show. Suddenly, the chair beside her slide backwards and her head snapped towards the figure that sat down. It was Eunchae. The idol smiled back and lightly ruffled her hair, taking a seat beside her on the right whilst Hyunjin sat on her left and Stray Kids in front of them.


Eunchae has a free day from her usual busy schedule. Out of curiosity, she called Mayse to ask if she also had a free day, to which she did. The two planned to meet at JYP's cafe and go shopping in Gangnam for a few hours before going to Mayse's apartment she used for her family when they visited. Whilst they were out and about, fans caught them and took a dozen of photos


Mayse has contacted Eunchae about the Jinma breakup and the Stray Kids member rushed to her side. Bringing Ice cream and movies and what not to cheer her up. Later that night, Mayse and Eunchae posted on their instagram story a photo of each other with ice cream, captioning: " may + eun ❤️ "


Eunchae just got noticed of her solo debut and the first people she told was Chan and Mayse. She wanted the two to produce the songs of her album, especially Mayse. So she texted her friend and immediately, Mayse agreed to producing and writing the songs on Eunchae's album.

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