We Got Married 💍 - Couple Shoot

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"I'm hungry," Eunchae mumbled, waddling around her's and San's WGM house. San had just came back from his tour and was resting in the bedroom with Shiber. "What is there to eat?" she wandered around the kitchen, opening cabinets and checking the fridge for food or any ingredients. "Eh? Since when did we have this? And this?" she questioned, pulling out ingredients she hadn't remembered buying.

After thinking for a few minutes, she waddles over to the bedroom. Even though she knew San needed rest she wanted to know if he wanted any food since he's been asleep for nearly half the day. Eunchae sat on the bed beside San. One of his arms draped over Shiber gentle, the other safely tucked into the blanket. "Sanie~," Eunchae sings lightly, shaking him ever so slightly. Still not awake, Eunchae pouts. "Sanie! You can't sleep the entire day away!"

"I'll wake up if you give me a kiss," San negotiates, turning to face Eunchae's now burning face. She couldn't help it. His voice was deep and raspy. He chuckles. "I'm joking, what is it?"

After composing herself from what he said, she smiles. "What should we eat?" he thinks before asking what food was there to eat. Listing the foods, the two settle to ramen that Eunchae would cook. "Okay, you rest but! no sleeping," she said sternly, pointing at him. Nodding she left listening to his chuckles.

Again, Eunchae waddles over to the kitchen and begins preparing the two's lunch/dinner. All they did today was chill and sleep. "Shall we listen to music?" she quietly questioned herself before linking her phone to the speakers. Scrolling through her playlist playing MY WAY by Ateez. (i was actually listening to the song while typing this)

She grabs two packets of ramen and a large pot to cook them in. Humming along to the song, she sways her hips side to side before adding the uncooked ramen to the pot of boiling water. "Don't be afraid~ Dreams are everywhere~" the female sings along before a pair of arms wrap around her waist. A head nuzzles into her hair as she stands still, frozen and shy about being caught.

"Oh why did you stop? You sounded so pretty~" San whined, still nuzzling his face into Eunchae's head. Giggling, Eunchae tells the clingy boy to stop however he just cuddles into her even more. Eunchae gives up on San releasing her from his grip so she continued cooking. After a few minutes, the two sat in front of each other talking and eating on their food. "Are we doing anything today?" San asked.

Eunchae swallows her food. "We have a photo shoot after," she informed, continuing to eat. San nods as the two sat in silence, eating.


"Annyeonghaseyo, San here," The boy smiled. "Eunchae is currently modelling, let's go see her," his lips presses into a thin smile as he walks over to where the photography and Eunchae was. The female stood in front of a beige wallpaper, her left arm crossed over her chest and the over lightly caressing her cheek, as if she was thinking. Her eyes stared straight into the camera. "Oooo~ So pretty!" Eunchae's lips slowly turned into a smile as she giggles at San's sudden compliment. .

"That was good Eunchae! Next is San!" The male hands the camera over to the female as they exchanged places. Eunchae films San, giggling as he poses, changing every few 30 seconds. Suddenly, a tap is felt on Eunchae's shoulder, looking over her should she sees her stylist with a white dress. She stops recording to change into the dress.

 She stops recording to change into the dress

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[ her dress. ]

Eunchae exited the dressing room, her stylist holding the back of her dress as she bunched the front in her own hands. San stood in front of a beige background; waiting for her. He gazed at her in pure amazement. "How can one be so beautiful?" he gasped, speaking without much thought. Eunchae blushes and thanks her virtual husband.

"Okay! Let's get started! Eunchae, I want you to stand in front of San; staring directly into the camera, San hold her waist and look at her lovingly!" the photographer demanded as the two idols followed his instructions.

Eunchae's gaze fell upon the camera lens, her pupils followed with love. She feels a pair of hands lightly gripping her waist, slowly pulling her closer to the body the hands belonged to. "Okay now, Eunchae turn around and drape your right arm across San's chest, and turn your head so we can see your side profile!"

The female turns around, facing San. She giggles lightly as she drapes the instructed arm across San's body; over his shoulder as she turned her head to showcase her side profile like the photographer wanted. Staying in that position, the two changed facial expressions and slight movements.

San places one hand into his dress pants pocket, the other wrapping itself around Eunchae's waist. He turns his head diagonally, making direct eye contact to Eunchae's eyes. He leans in, whilst the photographer gets more photos, cheering San's choices of movements. Eunchae freezes. Shy about San being so close to her face; more specifically, her lips.

"Okay! We're done everyone!"

San smiles, leaning back and giving Eunchae a sweet kiss on her right temple. Eunchae sighs in relief and smiles as San kisses her. The two turned and faced the photographer; bowing and thanking him for his services.

"You know, you two really do act like a couple. If you guys are want to do another photo shoot, just let me know~" the worker winked before leaving with his equipment and crew.

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