San Habits Eunchae Picked Up

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eunchae picked up this habit after noticing him pouting whilst speaking in various videos and in real life. she finds it cute of him and has even started doing it whenever she's sulking about something.
the most known time this became a thing was during a skz talker video where jeongin had jokingly insulted eunchae and she commented in pout that all she ever did was be good and love him. another time was during a fansign event when a fan was playfully calling themselves ugly and both chan and eunchae told them to stop. her words were specifically: "no don't say you're ugly~ if stay say they're ugly then i am too!"

san needs his members' constant attention as prove in various ateez videos. he mainly hugs his members and his affectionate side has transferred to eunchae. normally she wouldn't mind giving her members hugs but since meeting san it seems all she wanted was to hold onto by someone.
most of the time she asks for the attention of her leader. in videos, you can see eunchae and chan just cuddling in the background while the other members are talking to skz talker, fans find it adorable and most of time they're on chan's phone spying on us stays.
other times like fan signs or concerts she'd hug plushies given to her by her loveable stays. always a cute sight to see.

eunchae can whistle but she rarely does because she doesn't have a need to whistle but sometimes she does it randomly.
she'd be sitting in her room and suddenly, a song would pop into her head and she'd whistled it throughout the entire dorm. some of the members are done with it but some actually enjoy her whistling.

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