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a/n : two updates to celebrate jeno's, chaeyoung's and eunchae's birthday!!

eunchae's pov

I was walking down the pathway to the dorms — PANDORA's not Stray Kids, and again that weary feeling is back. I checked over my shoulder and sure enough, that same person was following me but this time a good far distance away from me with a phone pressed to their ear. Was I curious as to who they're talking to and what about? Yes. Was I planning on stopping and waiting till they were close to eavesdrop? No. I ain't dumb. I know how to take care of my safety geez. Beside, I still have that pepper spray and taser on my person in case anything physical happens. My phone vibrates in my back jean pocket, making me fish it out and stare at it with empty eyes. Its that sasaeng fan who has been stalking me since late March.

Unknown Number
what happens if
you disappear?
forever 😈
*attached photo*

I inhaled a deep breathe as I stared at the image of the street I was walking down, my figure being the only one on the street. Clearly the dark figure that had been following me was the culprit but I didn't have the strength to confront them. I wrapped my arms around myself tightly as power walked to the dorms, rushing to enter the building as quickly as possible to not get murdered or kidnapped. Before I could enter the apartment complex, my arm was pulled and from the corner of my eye I noticed the black glove.

I was pulled back, turned to face the figure. Their mask barely covered their face and I could tell it was a male in his mid 20s. In self defence, I grabbed my pepper spray that was hanging from my keys and sprayed the person in the eyes before rushing up to my building, rushing to put into the passcode to the dorms and shutting the door in fear the person would get into our dorm.

As I shut the door, I hear the rushing footsteps rushing to our apartment door, trying to stop it from closing them out however was a second late when it shut. I let out a small scared chocked cry as I stepped away from the door slowly, remembering the features of the person's face.

Breathing irregularly, I moved quickly to my room to inform Hayoung of what had happened prior to my arrival. "Unnie, my sasaeng just tried attacking me," she gasped at my words and hugged me comfortably. "I need to find out who it is..."

I sighed and texted San about the issue. He's now highly cautious to me leaving the dorms by myself and-or during the night. I understand that and have decided to work from home since I have my producing set up place there's a small recording area inside the dorms.

I also texted Mayse, whose temporarily my company representative as I haven't signed with a company beside for PANDORA yet, about the issue and had told me JW would take care of the legal charges against the culprits and would inform the police of this.

Unknown Number
you got away this time.
but next time, you won't
make it home alive
*attached photo*

My breathing became heavy as I stared at the image that was sent to me. My photo with a knife wedged in the eye, red markings of insults and possessive notions towards San filling the undamaged areas of the photo.

Unknown Number
goodnight and sweet
dreams victim.

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