Learning Russian

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requested !

eunchae laid on stomach on the couch, scrolling through her instagram timeline mindlessly liking photos of the accounts she followed. sighing, she pushes herself up, swinging her legs forward as she glances around her apartment living room. "i'm bored," she stated with a robot smile. another sigh leaves her mouth, the female stands on her feet, dragging herself into her bedroom to grab her macbook pro.

once grabbing the technology, she returns into the living room, sitting on the floor crisscross with her laptop on the coffee-table. logging into her laptop, she pulls up a language learning website and sets her desired language she wanted to try learning: russian. "privet menya zovut...eliana," she said slowly, introducing herself to the air of her apartment.

the girl continues to learn the language, failing at times when trying to pronounce certain words however with practice, perfected it. suddenly the female heard the sound of her phone ringing. glancing over at the technology, she grips it and answers without much thought, speaking in russian as she answered. "zdravstvuyte?" she said to the caller, not knowing who had called her.

"what?" felix responded, his voice going slightly high pitched which made the female laugh her head off. "i-i just wanted to call to see if you wanted some cookies," he fake cried as eunchae chuckled at his behaviour.

"oh my gosh felixxxxxxxx," she dragged out the last syllable. "sorry i was learning russian out of boredom," ahe chuckles, closing her laptop and setting it aside on her couch, pulling the blanket on her couch over her legs. "but yes, i would love some cookies~" she giggled.

"oh okay! should i get manager hyung to drop them off or?" he said, the tone of his voice made eunchae imagined him pouting whilst looking at the cookies.

"i'll stop by and grab them, don't worry felix," she laughed, bidding their goodbyes before hanging up. eunchae grabbed her keys and pocketed her phone in her sweatpants pockets and grabbed a jacket before rushing to her car.

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