breaking up with my boyfriend - PRANK VIDEO | Eliana Son 🐻

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Eliana Son                                                 Subscribed | 🔔

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Eliana Son Subscribed | 🔔

Eliana Son                                                 Subscribed | 🔔

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italics = english

"Hello my lovely viewers," Eunchae greeted her camera

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"Hello my lovely viewers," Eunchae greeted her camera. "I'm at ATEEZ's dorm right now and Yunho is here," she moved the camera to put the taller male into the frame from his computer chair. The brunette, from his spot turned and gave the camera a short wave before continuing with his gaming. "And today I decided to prank San."

Eunchae smiled as she quietly clapped her hands together, trying to not bother Yunho. "So if you haven't been online yet, there was an article about Sam possibly cheating on me," she informed, a smile still present on her face. "Now you might be wondering why I'm smiling well its cause I know Sanie would never cheat on me and if he did he would not be alive right now because Stray Kids would hunt him down," she said with a straight face. "Right Yunho?"

The male nodded. "Anyways, he is currently on his way home from the company with Rae and I have informed about it along with the other members and today, I will be pretending to breakup with him~" she pointed at the camera.

 "Anyways, he is currently on his way home from the company with Rae and I have informed about it along with the other members and today, I will be pretending to breakup with him~" she pointed at the camera

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Eunchae set up the cameras and waited for her boyfriend to enter his and Yunho's shared room. The taller male entered, bag in hand as he smiled brightly at Eunchae. "Hi baby!" he placed his bag down and automatically moved to hug Eunchae however she dodged it and crossed her arms as she kept a straight face. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" he asked confused, sitting down on Yunho's bed and pulling Eunchae by her waist to stand between his legs.

"Are you really going to pretend that nothing happened?" His girlfriend asked in a fake angry tone. Of course, San was shocked by her tone. He knew what this was about and was going to say something but was cut off by Eunchae. "Do you not love me anymore? If you fell out of love you should've told me and not cheat on me!"

Yunho slowly turned around in his chair, facing the couple. "Imma just go..." he said sowly, taking off his headset and timidly moving to leave the room. Before leaving, he mouthed the word: 'fighting' to San whilst raising a fist before shutting the door.

"Baby you know I would never do that to you," San said, his hands trying to unfold Eunchae's crossed arms but failed when she pushed his hands away in angry manner. The female stepped out from her position between his legs and walked over to his desk where her phone laid facedown.

"Then explain this?" she showed him the photo of his back hugging a female figure. "It's all over the media San," this is the moment San feared the most. Eunchae never really called San by his name, it was always Sanie or Baby/Babe.

"It's my sister," he explained. "I told you she was visiting from home. I was going to surprise you with her," again, the male reached out for her hands but she pulled back. "Are you being serious? I told you about meeting her."

"You said you were meeting someone," Eunchae recalled, eyes dull. "You never said it was her. I texted Haneul and she said she didn't see you that day," her breathe became uneven as she stared a him with teary eyes. "Please just don't lie to me."

"I'm telling you the truth!" he yelled, tears now starting to fall from his once bright eyes.

"San..." the way Eunchae called him, his heart dropped to his stomach. "I think we need to breakup," she mumbled, staring at the floor.

"No, no, no," he mumbled, moving quickly to hug her shaking figure. "I'm telling the truth Eunchae. You know I'd never do that to you. Please just," he took in a deep breath, trying to calm his ragged breathing. "Lets just talk okay? We can fix this. There's no need to breakup..." he softly said, hugging her tightly.

Eunchae started to feel really bad and decided to end the prank. "Before I leave," she pulled away from his grip, a smile on her face. "Do you wanna say hi to my camera?" she cheekily said, pointing at the hidden camera, laughing as San groans.

"Did you really just?" his hands laid on his waist as he looked around the room before staring at his smiling girlfriend. "Yah, I'm going to get you," he threatened playfully.

Before Eunchae could respond, San had thrown her over his shoulder, making her squeal. "Ah!~ Baby put me down!" she giggles as she tried escaping his embrace.

San sat in his computer chair, Eunchae sitting on his lap as he played his games whilst she ended her video

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San sat in his computer chair, Eunchae sitting on his lap as he played his games whilst she ended her video. "Well there you go guys! We both cried and in the end everything is fine~" she laughed. "Baby say bye to my video!" the girl giggled.

"Bye!~" San smiled and quickly pecked Eunchae's cheek making her smile.

"Bye everyone! I love you!~" she blew a kiss to the camera before kissing San's cheek. "Don't forget to comment what you want our fandom to be!" she screamed, ending the video.

 "Don't forget to comment what you want our fandom to be!" she screamed, ending the video

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