Last Minute Date

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Eunchae laid on her bed, back pressed against its frame, her fingers tapping away on her phone as she messages the Stray Kids group chat. The current topic in the group chat was their trip to Universal and how exciting it was to go as a group. Of course, hearing this, Eunchae did feel slightly left out but it was her decision to stay back for her solo comebacks and the boys had been promoting whilst on tour which made her feel like she was there with them. The conversation seemed to last for an hour or so before her screen was interrupted by a certain person calling her. The female giggles and picks up the call, moving to lay on her stomach as she leans her phone against her bed frame. "Hi baby," she smiled brightly as a smiling san appeared on her screen.

"Hello!~" he waved enthusiastically, making her laugh. "I have a surprise for you," he told her, moving around his dorm like a mad man.

"Okay? But why are you moving so quickly?" she chuckled at his silliness. "Are you going to murder someone?" she questioned with a small laugh, making San smile at her through the camera.

"Get ready because I am taking you out of a date!" he beamed making her smile even wider than before. "Dress comfortably~ It's not a fanct restaurants or anything but its a surprise for you~" he winked at her, pointing a finger at his phone to her.

Humming, Eunchae gets up from her bed, phone in hand as she sets it up on her vanity table mirror. "And why are we doing this?" she asked from her closet, off the screen choosing an outfit to wear for the last minute date San had planned.

"Because I need to spend as much time with you before I go on tour again," he pouted, changing into a black hoodie, that is enviably going to be Eunchae's by the end of night. "And because I miss you." Eunchae awes at his words and presents herself in front of her phone, dressed in black leggings and a navy blue long sleeve top. She sat down at her vanity, brushing her hair and doing her makeup, talking to Sam about random things before he abruptly ended it causing her frown but understood as he had to pick her up with his manager.


San and Eunchae walked hand in hand down the path of Hangang River. "So you're big surprise was Hangang river?" she quirked an eyebrow at her boyfriend, making him smile and nod before his arm wrapped itself around her shoulders, walking a head to a bench that outlooked the river.

The two sat in silence, admiring the water flow in front of them in the moonlight. San smiles down at Eunchae's figure and presses a light kiss on her temple, making her smile at the feeling of his presence by her side. "Should I just pack you in my suitcase?" San jokingly asked as they sat talking to each other.

Eunchae laughs at his idea. "I'll suffocate in their you dork," she booped his nose, a playful smile plastered on her face. He chuckles at her behaviour and lightly kisses her forehead. "Okay, bad idea. I'll just have to call you everyday then," he smiled at her.

"I wouldn't mind," she shrugged her shoulders at him. Getting slightly tired, she rests her head on his shoulder, snuggling close to his frame as he held her close to him. "Being idols is hard but so worth it," she mumbled as San placed another kiss on her head.

"I know baby, but as long as we have each other, our members and fans, we'll be fine," he spoke, playing with her brunette hair making her even sleepier than she originally was. "I love you," he whispered to her.

"I love you too," she smiled sleepily at him.

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