💙 San's Birthday 🎊

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a/n : ya girl is late but whatever,,happy birthday to my shinta 🥰🥰

San's birthday was coming up soon and Eunchae was pressured to give him the greatest gift he ever received. So she planned to fly down to New York to see the boys before coming back to Korea to continue her promotions for ROLLERCOASTER, which would be ending soon. The girl would also be performing at KCON NY 2019, but the only people that knew were Stray Kids and her staff members.

[ D-10 ]

Eunchae was finishing up her last week of promotions, she had won a few times and was ecstatic to do an encore stage with her fans cheering and singing along with her. She also got San's birthday present ready and card. It was a shiba plush that could be sat anywhere. On his head, on his bed railing, literally anywhere. The card was a simple pale purple background and had a shiba sticker on the front of it. She didn't fill the card put yet because she hadn't had the time to.

[ D-5 ]

The day was coming to a close and ROLLERCOASTER era has finally ended after weeks of promoting. Eunchae had gone and dyed her hair back to a natural dark brown instead of keeping her light brown hair for the era. She spent most of her time preparing for KCON and her special stage that KCON allowed her to do.

[ D-4 ]

Eunchae landed in New York finally with her manager. Both her and her manager travelled to their hotel room to unpack then they went out to eat.

[ D-3 ]

Today, Eunchae woke up and changed into grey sweatpants and a black crop top. Throwing on a random jacket from her luggage and headed down to the KCON NY venue with her manager to rehearse.

[ D-2 ]

Another day of rehearsing.

[ D-DAY ]

The day is here. KCON NY 2019. Eunchae was in her dressing room, getting prepared for her stage. Currently the performer was AB6IX with their debut song BREATHE. Eunchae was jamming out to the song backstage, preparing the cake for San's birthday. She heard the announcement of Ateez heading to stage, smiling to herself, she rushed to their dressing room, trying not to drop the cake in her hands.

Once inside the room, she placed the cake down and greeted their logbook camera. "Annyeong ATINY!! Right now, I'm preparing a cake for Sanie. Its his birthday and I wanted to surprise him." She giggled. "He doesn't know I'm at KCON. Hongjoong oppa knows and told the others about my surprise!" Eunchae smiled.

She filmed the monitor and watched their performance through the it inside the small room. When she noticed the group finishing their stage, she smiled and held the cake, waiting for one of the KQ staff told her to start singing. Eunchae hears murmurs of voices and automatically knows its the boys. As they enter, she begins to sing happy birthday which the boys except for San, who was shocked, sang along with the female.

"What the— Yah! What are you doing here?!" San asked shocked as Eunchae approached him with the cake. Ateez's logbook capturing the interaction.

"Its your birthday and I'm performing!" Eunchae smiled. "Ppalli! Blow out the candles!" she ushered as San smiled, placing his hand on top of hers on the side of the box. He closed his eyes and after a few seconds he blew the candles out. San smiled and took the box from his virtual wife and kisses her forehead out of gratefulness. He set down the cake and allowed the boys to devour the cake while San and Eunchae talked.

In the middle of their talk, Eunchae pulled out a small box, neatly wrapped with a white ribbon bow. She smiled as she handed the box to him. "What's this?" he questioned, looking at the box before glancing at her with a teasing smirk.

"Its a gift. Open it!" doing as she instructed, he begins to unwrap the small box. He opens it and noticed the small silver object. "Do you like it?"

"I love it. Thank you~" he patted her head affectionately. Eunchae giggles. The two were given a piece of cake which they enjoyed.

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