Body Image Negativity

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As of recent, Eunchae began noticing the increase of hate comments being left on her social media posts. And she usually, she was never one to allow comments like these affect her life or her image entirely however, since the lock down laws in korea was made, Eunchae couldn't help but think she was starting to gain more weight than she intended to.

Seeing all those comments about her weight and how different her body once used to be compared to her early idol days made her begin to feel insecure of herself. Now she usually only wore oversized clothing, wanting to hide her body from everyone. San hadn't been around either due to preparation for their crescent party with ATINY in an online concert, similar to other groups, and therefore she had been alone for the past few days.

Her brown eyes scan through the various comments talking about her facial appearance and body. Criticising the way her nose looked or how her eyes weren't fitting to her head shape and how she had gained more weight since debut. Eunchaw took these comments in consideration and took a glance at her body length mirror, her eyes meeting her body.

"Did I gain weight?" she asked herself, placing down her phone and standing in front of the mirror, turning side to side as she evaluated her own appearance. "I did," she mumbled, twisting and turning her waist so she could see her back.

As she sadly took down her confidence, the girl's phone begins to ring a very familiar tune. A tune she knows from the top of her head as to who it belongs to. Her legs drag themselves over to her bed, picking up the technology and answering it with a hum. "Yeah?"

"Cha— Why do you sound lifeless?" Raehyun asked worriedly. "Is everything okay? Did San do something? He can't since he's here with me but what's wrong?" her best friend asked.

"Nothing, just some hate that's it," Eunchae sighed, sitting down on the bed and laying down, her hair sprawling around her head. "I think its getting to me Hyun," she told her.

"Aww Chae," Raehyun's pout could be heard through the call. "Don't believe those comments! You're beautiful! Inside and out!" the ATEEZ member told her over the phone. "I will leave practice this second with San and go over to your apartment and shower you with love and affection," she stated firmly making Eunchae laugh.

"Okay, thanks Hyunie," Eunchae smiled.

"Anytime best friend!~"

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