author's note

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hello everyone, my beans and all <3
i am here writing you today to inform you all that i will be taking a break to focus on my mental health and school.
recently, i have been feeling mentally drained and unable to find motivation to complete any tasks given to me. for this reason, i am taking this opportunity to focus on myself and return to you all with a better mentality and, hopefully, happy in my current position in life. during my hiatus, i will be trying to write chapters for when i return however doubt i will be publishing them till i am ready to. i hope you all look forward to these future chapters that i write :)
in other news besides my hiatus, it has come to my attention that this book is almost finished. shocking how far i have come since starting this series. thank you all for the support on mayse, eunchae, raehyun and literally all my ocs. it means a lot to me and i hope to expand to other things like possibly anime ;) thank you all for everything <3
this sounds like a goodbye letter...
anyways, thanks for understanding beans, i adore, love and cherish each and every one of you <3
signing off, lily

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