Uncomfortable Interview

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Eunchae had a solo schedule today and the only thing she had planned was an interview with an audience. The singer wore black high waisted jeans with a navy blue off the shoulder sweater and a pair of black two inched boots. When she entered the venue of the interview, she immediately had a bad gut feeling however disregarded the feeling as sickness from skipping breakfast earlier that day. One of the staff politely greeted Eunchae, who returned the gesture and bowed in respect, listening intently as the staff explained the interview to Eunchae. It would start off with talking about her album and her career then into her friendship with the Stray Kids members and PANDORA members, that was all the staff mentioned to her. Eunchae found it a normal interview and was excited to hold it in front of her fans.

When the recording was about to begin, Eunchae took a seat on the right side of the Interviewer, microphone already clipped and working, waiting for the show to begin and when it did, Eunchae smiled brightly, waving to the camera that recorded. "Hello and welcome back everyone! I am here today with popular singer Eunchae!" the audience cheered and applauded the girl who smiled and waved to the camera. "Alright getting straight into it, you recently had a comeback with the song BABE, what is the song about and what inspired you to write it?" The host asked.

He was a male in his, what Eunchae assumed to be, late twenties or early thirties. He eyes her figured, waiting for Eunchae to speak.

"My song BABE is a EDM based song that is about being in a relationship with a younger spouse," Eunchae explained with a smile. "What inspired me was HyunA sunbaenim's and DAWN sunbaenim's relationship," she elaborated.

The male host nodded at her words. "And have you ever dated a younger male?" he asked, using his cue cards to point at her. Eunchae laughed uncomfortably and shook her head no.

"I haven't dated yet," she gave a small smile as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Oh why? Are you undateable or just not interest?" the host continued to ask as Eunchae secretly glanced at her manager who equally looked disgusted.

"I have no interested right now. I have a dating ban," Eunchae spoke bluntly, hoping for the conversation to move on. But clearly the host didn't get the hint.

"Are you a virgin? I'm asking because I'm sure your fans are curious as well," he commented, eye raping the girl that sat a few meters away from him. "I can help with that if you are," he smirked.

Eunchae gave an awkward and uncomfortable smile, shifting in her seat as she cleared her throat. "Um, I prefer to keep my personal life private. If I need to tell my fans something I will tell them face forward," she explained, her mind wanting the show to end quickly.

"I'm surprised you haven't dated yet," the host said as he leaned back in his seat, checking the singer out in front of the audience and the camera. "You have a great body and such pretty body features," he continued, checking her out. He continued to make explicit remarks as Eunchae shuffled in her seat uncomfortably.

"Okay I'm sorry," Eunchae manager interfered, stepping into the frame and gently grabbing the 99 liner's wrist, pulling her stand on her feet. "I am not going allow someone to publicly asked and say explicit things in front of a live audience that clearly makes my client uncomfortable."

Eunchae's manager glared at the male host before dragging Eunchae back to their provided car. The car ride back to the dorm was silent until Eunchae spoke up, looking at her manager with a smile. "Thank you oppa, you're a life saver," her manager gave her a gentle smile.

"Anything for my daughter," he jokingly spoke, laughing as Eunchae followed.

"Seeing as I have no other schedules today," Eunchae started. "Can I go see San?" she asked, hoping her manager would agree to her request.

"Of course! He can lift your spirits and make us forget today's earlier event~"

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