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eunchae's pov

It's been a few days since Mayse filed a report on the ongoing investigation of my sasaeng fan. They've still sent me death threats and distrubing photos of them crossing and stabbing my photos with many, many many warnings to stay away from my boyfriend.

The police are suspecting Hani whose been acting very cautious around me but still like the girl I met back at JYP. Of course, since I'm not signed to a company as a soloist yet and currently looking for one, KQ's CEO offered me a place in the company to practice my dance and film my dance practice videos in.

So far not much progress intro finding the culprits have been made just yet, but KQ has hired me two body guards to talk me to and from place which I'm really grateful for.

Since this whole sasaeng thing started, I've been more paranoid to things than I used to be. I guess they really started getting into my head and I hated that. Thankfully I have my friends, family and Sanie supporting me during this scary situation.

I was walking down the halls of KQ when I heard Hani's voice. She sounded very annoyed and it seemed like she was talking to man. I carefully walked over to where I heard the voices and peeked around the corner, seeing Hani and that man I encountered on my way to the dorms a few nights ago.

"I thought you would've gotten her!" Hani hissed through a clenched jaw. She sighs disappointedly, crossing her arms and turning her head to the side, poking her cheek with her tongue. "If you really want her for yourself, work. Harder."

"I'm trying," the man hissed back. "But I can't do shit if that freak of guy you so call love so much us around her every fucking time of the day!" he told her.

"Hey! You leave my San out of this! He's nothing but an angel!" Hani yelled at him in a whisper, careful not to have anyone listen to their conversation. For me however, I was recording the entire thing. "It's that bitch Eunchae who's destroying his innocence!"

"You shut the fuck up about my wife!" okay that's creepy. Like I just turned 21 like a few days ago geez. "And if your stupid boy pulls another trick on my property, I swear I will shoot him in a second," the male growled at Hani.

I let out a shaky breathe, trying my best to not be noticed as I stood properly behind the wall I was hiding behind. My hand raised to touch my heart and noticed it was beating really fast.

I need to give this to the police and quickly. Thankful, those two creeps were still arguing over how to kidnap me. I didn't have to record anything because they were standing right in front of a security camera.

I dialled the officer investigating my case and informed him of my findings along with San and the rest if Ateez as well as PANDORA and Stray Kids.

I kept an eye on the two from afar and for the past twelve minutes they've been arguing and plotting to make a suicide scene for me and have the guy bring me somewhere far, get plastic surgery to change my appearance and hide in fear. And this was all so Hani could date San and replace me as his girlfriend, Ateez's sisters-in-law — as she said and just basically take over my entire career as an idol.

"Seo Hani?" a police officer asked the female who gave him a smile and nodded, pretending to be innocent. "You are under arrest for stalking, threatening and fraud. You have the right to remain you understand your rights?" the officer continued, grabbing her hands and placing them behind her to put on the handcuffs.

Another officer doing the same with the man who was angry as ever. "What proof do you have against me?! I did nothing!" he yelled as the officers brought them outside to the cars.

"We have evidence of your stalking and attempt of force entry," the officer handcuffing him said as he forcefully shoved the guy into the back of the car.

And that was the last I saw of them. A few days later, the officer investigating my case informed me the two had been prosecuted for their charges. He handed me a file of all their information and who they were as a person.

Apparently Hani is a San sasaeng, no big surprise and had been stalking him debut, going as far as finding out his every location and schedules. She was also charged with fraud after she faked a 80K dollar check to JYP and KQ each for allowing her into the company, did they take the money I don't know but yeah.

The guy, apparently his name is Yoo Taejung, and he was a psychopath. His a sasaeng fan who ran a twitter account I've seen online before but never paid attention to because of its creepy content.

After going through his things, I've found out that he had been stalking me since I was a teen and in school, as well as trying to hack into my phone to gather my phone number and family's numbers. He also supposedly killed a kid he knew just because he said he loved me as a fan.

He also tried breaking into PANDORA's dorm prior to my encounter with him and even tried breaking into Stray Kids' dorm as well.

Yeah he was psychotic.

"I'm so glad this is all over."

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