Questionair pt 2

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"Welcome back everyone! We're back with the talented and amazing Eunchae of Stray Kids! Lets give a warm welcome!"

"Woo~ Annyeonghaseyo Eunchae iminda!"

"Welcome back Eunchae-ssi, how have you been?"

"I've been good! I just finished Pandora promotions and now I'm preparing to meet up with my members on tour soon"

"Well here's the first question of the day~ When do you feel the most relaxed?"

"Hmm...At home?" "I stay at the dorms a lot recently."

"What concept would you like to try?"

"Girl crush? Or maybe something refreshing? I'm up for anything really!"

"Which member annoys you the most and why?"

"Ah, Felix bothers me so much with his gaming and dabbing...I want Bambam oppa to take him into GOT7..."

"How did you like being on We Got Married?"

"It was an amazing experience. I'm friends with ATEEZ now thanks to the show, San and I are great friends with a lot of chemistry as fans say."

"Whats something you want right now?"

"Food? I haven't eaten breakfast yet..."

"Is there anything you're currently interested in?"

"Right, I'm more focused on my career as a singer than anything."

"What about a relationship?"

"I've only been in the idol industry for two years with Stray Kids and as a soloist. My contract has a strict no dating rule and I intend to follow it. I have no interest in dating right now because I'm busy with our comeback and Pandora."

"So the rumours regarding you and Lee Seungwoo are false?"

"Ah, I saw that article. No Seungwoo oppa and I aren't dating. Seungwoo oppa and my brother are on the same soccer team and I've known him for a very long time. Seungwoo oppa invited me to eat with him and my brother along with some friends, my brother had to attend their friends after drinking so much and Seungwoo oppa offered needed a ride home so my manager offered to take him."

"So you're not dating?"


"Okay! A lot of fans wanted to know what was going on between the two of you and seems like their favourite couple; sanchae was being threatened~"

"Ahaha, Seungwoo and I are both currently focusing on our careers and don't have the time for a relationship. Sanchae is really big in the STAYTINY fandom and I'm happy to be shipped with Sanie."

"Speaking of San! What's your favourite thing about him?"

"My favourite thing about Sanie? Hmm...His personality? Sanie, he works really hard. Like really hard. He says that he wants to improve his performance for the next comeback but he's an amazing performer already. Sanie is also very funny and fun to be around. He makes me laugh fairly quickly and not many can do that."

"Did you see ATEEZ's performance at MAMA 2019?"

"Ah! Yes, I did see it! It was crazy! They're honestly so talented and I'm so proud of them, they deserve everything they've achieved this year."

"Have you ever thought about moving out of your dorm?"

"Plenty of times! Felix and Chan play games so much and I'm getting slightly annoyed by their constant yelling and whining. Hanie just screams."

"Sadly, thats all the time we have today, Eunchae thank you for coming and answering our questions!"

"No problem! Thank you for having me~"

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