Flirting With San

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Eunchae was in the practice room with the other Stray Kids members, Hani included. She was on the floor stretching with the others as Hani was watching Ateez videos on Youtube. It was silent however calming despite the small giggling and commentary that came from Hani. Most of the time, her comments were about San and how hot he is much to Eunchae's discomfort.

The brunette moved her neck side to side, cracking the bone silently as she tried containing her annoyance towards the new girl. Suddenly a phone rang off and from the ringtone, everyone apart from Hani knew it was San calling Eunchae. The female 99 liner stood up and grabbed her phone, smiling as she answered the call with a giggle.

"Baby! Hi~" she smiled brightly. Seeing her so happy meant so much to the boys of Stray Kids in fact it wasn't just them but Eunchae's family as well. "I'm at practice right now...You're here? With food?...Oh okay, I'll come down~" she hung up with a small 'i love you' ending the conversation before looking at her members. "Anyone hungry? Sanie brought food~"

Hani's ears perked at the mention of San's name. "My husband is coming?!" she screeched, setting her phone on the wooden floor, rushing to fix her appearance. "Oh god I look like a mess! Jisung! How do I look?!" she frantically asked her friend who gave a weary thumbs up.

"O...kay..," Eunchae commented. "I'll just go get him now."

As she left, Hani glanced over to Stray Kids. "Oppa, do you perhaps know Eunchae's relationship with San?" she asked Minho who gave her a look along with the other members. "Are they close friends or something?"

"They're dating," Seungmin answered bluntly, sitting criss cross on the floor as Hani stared at the boy with wide eyes.

"I'm back with Sanie and food!" Eunchae entered the room, a plastic bag in hand as she sets it down on the middle of the room softly, letting Changbin and Hyunjin take it out and set it up before sitting down beside Chan, San sitting on her free side. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Your relationship," Seungmin gave his noona a smile. Creeped by the topic, Eunchae gave the nine of them a slow nod.

"Are you guys practicing for a comeback?" San asked from his spot beside Eunchae, reaching to grab a fry from her chip packet. Eunchae playfully glared at him, hitting his hand and telling him to get his own.

"Ani. We're just practicing," Changbin answered to San who nodded. The ATEEZ member then turned and faced Hani who shyly tucked some hair behind her ear.

"I don't think we've met?" he spoke with a raised eyebrow. Hani blushed madly as Eunchae looked at her boyfriend for a short second before eating a fry.

"That's Hani, she's going to be joining us," Eunchae told her boyfriend who nodded at words, eyes piercings through Hani's who was madly blushing at his stare. "Hani introduce yourself," the dark brunette instructed politely however the dyed blonde glared at the elder which was seen by Eunchae, San and Seungmin. San already had a bad gut feeling of her however acted nicely as she seemed to be a fan of his.

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim, I'm Seo Hani," she bowed in her spot. "I hope we can be friends and get along well," she gave him a flirtatious smile.

San gave her a forced smile which she barely noticed, too busy infatuated with his beauty to hear a single word that came out of his mouth. "I'm San, it's nice to meet you," he said casually wrapping an arm around Eunchae's waist.

"Ah, sunbaenim, I was wondering if you'd show me the dance to Wave," Hani tilted her head to side, trying to be cute as San forced a smile.

"Uh...Sure," he nodded.

Throughout the time San was at JYP, Hani had been taking him away from Eunchae, asking him to help with the dances which she was clearly purposely failed at doing. Of course, Eunchae noticed all the flirting she had been doing to her boyfriend however disregarded it because she trusted San.

"Oppa you're really strong! I don't think I could do it like you," Hani pouted, hand on his arm. It was clear to see San was uncomfortable and frankly, the other members noticed the uncomfortableness within the entire practice room.

"Babe," Eunchae called San who immediately turned to her with a soft genuine smile. "Hyunie just texted me saying Seonghwa oppa wants you back at the dorms," she informed, showing him her phone.

San quickly walked over to Eunchae, engulfing her into a tight hug. "Thank you for rescuing me," he whispered in her ear, causing the female to giggle at his words. She squeals when San lifts her off her feet and swings her lightly left and right before putting her down and kissing her passionately. "I love you Teddy, I'll see you soon okay?" he smiled down at her. Eunchae nodded and waved him goodbye as he left JYP. Eunchae glanced at Hani who was glaring at her the entire time.

Eunchae gives Hani an innocent smile. "Shall we continue practicing? Hm Hani?" she politely asked as she walked over to her position and stretched, mentally laughing at Hani's rotten attitude.

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