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eunchae's pov

I was in one of KQ's recording rooms, far far away from Ateez who were at the company. I know that San, Mingi and Hongjoong would be inside the practice room doing a punishment and I plan on visiting them soon, but right now I need to finish recording this. It really didn't take me long to finish the recording, so now I'm on my way to see my loving boyfriend. I got to the room and peeped my head into the door way to see San and Mingi dancing to the bear family song in dinosaur outfits. I waved to Hongjoong who was by the computer that played the songs and silently watched the two dorks, trying her best to keep her laughter in.

"Oh my god," I accidentally let out in English, laughing as I entered the room, a smile prominent on my face. "What are you two doing?" I laughed, my hands going to hold the blown up dinosaur head.

"Doing our promised punishment," Mingi answered with a smile. He poses into a mid jumping jack in front of the camera as I laughed at him. "Where were you?"

"I was..." I was going to tell them but decided against it. "Busy," I glanced at the much taller male and smiled before turning to San. "How are you liking this?"

"It's actually pretty fun," he commented, stepping away from her to swing his head into a circle and dance around like an idiot. "ATINYs love it."

"Baby please stop because you actually break your neck," I gazed at him softly as he stopped and gave me a sweet smile before placing a kiss on my temple. "Hongjoong oppa, are you choosing the next song?" I asked him from my boyfriend's grip. He's currently hugging me and squishing the dinosaur's head. I noticed the older male nod and glanced down at the phone in his hands to search for a suggested song. "Oh! I know one!" I exclaimed, escaping San's hug and choose the song with Hongjoong covering the screen from the two 99 liners.

The room began to fill with the repeated words of 'i got a ponytail~ i got a ponytail~ i got a p-p-p-ponytail' and continued on. I turned to face the three Ateez members and laughed as they danced widely. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and recording them for memories. "Okay I need to leave before I pass out from laughing so hard," I wheezed, trying to control my laugh, smiling behind my hand as I giggled. "Bye guys, ATINY! I love you more than the members!" I cheered before dashing out of the room.


Right now I'm doing a photoshoot for my new single that's going to be released soon. I have a performance schedule tomorrow and then I'm filming my music video for this single. "Wah~ You look," the photographer gazed at the photos on the camera before they popped up on the big screen beside her. "Wow, San is lucky," she laughed.

Yep! My photographer for this shoot is a female! Mayse hired her just in case she would accidentally hire a male photographer who may hit on me. She just wanted me to be safe, especially after the whole sasaeng issue. "Hehe, thank you~" I thanked the woman as I checked out how the photos came out. We did a few more photos with different outfits before finishing at around 3 in the afternoon.


I sighed as I rested in my waiting room. My makeup and hair done and I was just chilling in my sweats. I didn't have to go stage in a couple minutes so I lounged before my manager told me to change, and I followed his orders. Walking towards the stage after changing and getting my mic set up, I bumped into some rookies who've I heard about. "Oh? It's MCND!" I smiled at the five member boy group who bowed and greeted me respectfully. "You guys are so cute!" I cooed.

"Uh sunbaenim we love your new song," Castle J began as they stood in a line in front of her. "And we would like to give you our album," he said as Huijun shyly handed me the signed album.

"Wah~ It's so pretty," I complimented and looked through the album and complimented all the members. They were so shy and cute it was difficult to not love fall in love with them. "I'll be sure to look out for your next comeback," I smiled at them. "MCND fighting~ Annyeong~" I cheered at them before going to the stage, them bidding me a polite goodbye.

𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒 | son eunchae | ɪWhere stories live. Discover now