eunchae plays modded among us with offline tv and friends

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"i have someone if we need to fill," jae said to the group as they waited for the lobby to be filled. today's lobby consisted of: jae, rae, toast, sykkuno, corpse, tina, ash, leslie and poki. the group were looking for a fill after sydeon aka sydney had left to go to bed when the day6 member spoke up.

"jae you have a fill?" toast asked for confirmation as jae responded with an unsure extended 'uh', typing on his phone to eunchae who was busy producing in her home studio when she received the message. of course, wanting a break from work, she accepted and set aside her keyboard to play with the well know online group.

"yeah, she says she's up for a game or two," jae said calmly as the beep sound of someone entering their discord was made, the timid voice of eunchae greeting everyone softly as jae introduce her. "this is my friend eunchae, she's also a idol," he summaries.

"you can call me eliana tho," eunchae smiled being the screen, entering the lobby using the code jae had send her. her default character was red however she approached the small computer to customise her character to be light pink and wearing bingus on her head. everyone greeted her gently which caused her to smile. "hi, i just want to say that i'm a big fan and that's it's such an honour to be here today. thanks for helping me procrastinate my work~"

the lobby laughs as the game begins, eunchae's computer screen lights up with the usual crewmate role causing her to sigh. once in the game, she runs down to admin and does her card swipe before leaving to electrical - doing her task as she noticed rae's character entering the room just as a meeting was called. "where is everyone right now?" poki asked once the meeting screen popped up.

"i am in electrical doing the circle thingy and i just saw rae come in," eunchae softly spoke, slightly tired from staring at a screen all day as she informed the streamer her character's whereabouts. the soloist listens into their conversation, adding an opinion every now and them but ultimately, the meeting went with no one being voted out. for the next round, eunchae spend it with corpse, her tiny character's body danced around his when he did tasks and he reciprocated the action whenever she did a task.

and then another meeting happened, laughing entering the female's ear as she unmuted. "o-okay, what was tHAt?!" rae cried laughing as sykkuno and tina let out giggles. "i go down to storage and sykunno and tina are just standing on top of a body, not reporting it!" she screams into the microphone.

"w-well, listen - listen rae," sykkuno began but was interrupted by rae telling him no and interrogating him and tina's actions whilst the others remained silent before toast asked everyone else's whereabouts to which corpse responded with: 'me and eliana are on the left side right now. we're kinda dancing around each other.' he chucked after.

"yeah, it was really nice bonding moment," eunchae lightly chuckled before quieting down as the group solved the mystery event rae had encountered. the verdict that either sykkuno and tina are a pair of imposter and jester or two imposters. the next few rounds flew by quickly with few to little vote outs until the screen turned black with the text of defeat and the two characters of tina and toast appeared.

the next round flew by quickly as eunchae received the role
of jester. the female giggles and runs around the map, avoiding a few of her tasks and acting suspicious when a body was called by tina who immediately called out eunchae who was slightly confused. turns out the morphling had morphed into eunchae and killed in front of tina and endes up getting the female idol voted out, causing her to win.

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