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"Hello," Eunchae waved at her phone as she sets it up against her window ledge. "I am currently sitting in my studio, and the sun is shining behind my curtains which gives me this glowing golden hour kinda look," she explained, posing before laughing.

golden hour queen
we stan
when's the next album??
are you friends with seungyoun???

"Am I friends with Seungyoun oppa? Yes I am," she smiled. "We met up recently and worked on some stuff," she commented, glancing at her computer screen as she made a few clicks on her mouse, shrinking some tabs.

omg what?
eunchae and seungyoun? a concept.
can't wait for the new abum!!
how are you and sanie??

Eunchae hums lightly as she reads all the comments. "I'm excited too. San and I are fine~ We're both busy at the moment so no dates," she pouts, continuing to read her comments.

"Aussie aussie aussie...Oi, oi, oi," she chanted with a life when her eyes laud upon that comment. She glanced at her computer screen before going to play some old songs she used to listen to when she was younger. The first song being Rude by MAGIC!.

The female sang lightly to the song, swaying side to side before reading more comments. "What have you all been doing? Anything interesting happened loves?" she asked, glancing between her phone and computer as she did some work.

"Studying, no nothing new, eating food," she read off as the comments flew pass the screen. "Food is always good," she mumbled. She clicked on a file and a beat began playing for a small bit before she closed the tab all together with wide eyes. "That was not meant to be played," she pointed out.

did we just get a sneak peek??
omg why did that sound bomb tho?!!
are you featuring san this time?

"No Sanie won't be on my album," she answered. "Instead I'm working with new people, friends even~" she giggled, playing a soft track she made long ago. "This isn't going on my album so I can play it," she laughed, letting the soft beats play repeatedly in the background, her body turning side to side with the help of her chair.

i could sleep to this no cap
can we have this as our lullaby?
release it!!!
did you hear about treasure?

"I heard about TREASURE," she smiled. "I hope it's true otherwise I am suing YG," she joked half-heartedly. "Yedam even stopped having tutoring lessons with me because he's that busy," she commented.

"But I'm glad they're finally debuting," she sighed. "They've worked hard to be a group and to debut," she smiled. "Also they're reuniting with—" suddenly her phone tinged, indicating she had gotten a message. It was Mayse telling to keep quiet about JW's next debut. "Nevermind~" she chuckled.

omg wait what?!
no tell us!!!!!
who are they reuniting with?????
maybe bx and seunghun???
i'm confused

"Don't worry babies~" Eunchae waved a hand dismissively as she giggles. "I should go though, I have to work on my album and I don't want to give you guys spoilers," she winked. "And Seungyoun oppa is calling me, BYE!" she ended the livestream with a kiss.

𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒 | son eunchae | ɪWhere stories live. Discover now