Creepy Follower

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eunchae's pov

It was late at night and I just so happened to decide to leave the company — JW Entertainment, at around two in morning. Dumb I know. But I was at the company finishing up my two new songs that will be featured on my repacked album for DAZED. It was dark and barely anyone or any cars were on the streets. Since the company is quite close to PANDORA's dorms, it was much of a walk for me but it felt like I was being watched and followed. I was really creeped out.

Prior to my current situation, I noticed someone was following me even during the day. They were wearing really baggy black clothing so I was unable to identify wether or not it was a male or female. But they had been following me since the afternoon when I was on my way to the company. Was I creeped out? Majorly.

Back to where we are now, I was walking down the pathway to where the dorms where and that person I mentioned, yeah they're following me with their hands in their pockets. Of course, being a prepared girl I am, I do have pepper spray and a taser with me, courtesy of Mr.Bang Chan and Mr.Kim Woojin.

I didn't pull it out though as they weren't doing anything dangerous to me right now. So I opted to call San who always calms me down in situations like this. I fished out my phone from my bag and dialled his number, waiting for him to answer. He answered automatically.

"Hi baby!~" I giggled as I walked, fasten my pace as I turned the corner to the dorms, the figure still following me. "Are you by my dorm?" I quietly whispered to him through the phone.

"I'm standing outside," he replied. "Why?" he asked and I could visually imagine him raising an eyebrow at the phone. "Oh, I see you," he said.

I look forward and saw him standing in front of the dorm apartment complex. I smiled and rushed over to him, ending the call and hugging him tightly. "There was someone following me," I pouted as I hugged him.

I felt San look up and then back down at me. His grip around me tighten as he brought me inside the lobby of PANDORA's dorms. "They're still there but just watching, let's take you home to the dorm safely," he smiled at me.

"Who is that anyways?"

𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐒 | son eunchae | ɪWhere stories live. Discover now