Eunchae's V Live

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"Hello~" Eunchae waves as fans begin to enter rapidly

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"Hello~" Eunchae waves as fans begin to enter rapidly. Subconsciously pouting as she stares at the screen. "Hi, hi, hi, hi," she repeatedly says to the fans who commented hello to her. "Right now it is," She grabs her phone and check the time. "11:30pm. The others but Chan are at the dorms. I'm practising and Chan is obviously producing songs like always," she states. Gazing into the camera she reads comments. "Are you going on We Got Married? Yes, I am. I have met my virtual husband and he's very sweet."

tell us who it is~~~
noona spoiler plz
who is it???
is it someone from ateez????
plz be nct i want eunchae x mayse interactions

"I can't say who the person is, but I will say he's really talented," Eunchae nods. Her eyes scans over the various comments of who? and tell us , she sighs, deciding to spoil a bit of the show for them. "Shall I dance? I did stay to practice," she mumbles. Standing, she walks over to the stereo and puts on a random pop song that was placed into her playlist. It's Demi Lovato's Sorry Not Sorry. Eunchae really didn't care if it was explicit. She just grooved to the beat, dancing without a thought. Upon finishing, Eunchae shuts the music off temporarily as she leans down to read comments.

queen eunchae
minho's brand is being taken skajdnaj
will you be meeting mayse??
please give us a hint unnie :((

"I've met Mayse. She's so sweet. Honestly I think we're siblings," Eunchae giggles as she jokes around. "Mayse and Eunchae collab? I don't know. I know Chan and Hyunjin have had a collaboration with her, I don't make the final decision, our CEO does," She speaks honestly. Gazing into the camera, she pouts and throws hearts when fans comment i love you to her. "Is your husband from SM?" Eunchae shrugs, teasing fans as she giggles at the large responses that flew across her screen. "I will say," she started. "Actually I won't. It wouldn't be as fun if I told you who it was~"

eunchae is mean :'(
can't wait to see the show ❤️
unnie looks really pretty~
love from Berlin 💘

"Love from Berlin, love you too~" she giggled, making a heart sign. "Challenge I want to do? Uh...Have you seen the game where you have to contain your excitement?" Eunchae asked the viewers. Seeing yes being commented commonly she nods her head. "I want to try that."

What group are you currently into?
Favourite song atm?
unnie dance for us!
have you listened to bts's new song?

"I've been into Mamamoo recently. My favourite song at the moment is Youth by Troye Sivan, it's really calming to me. I shall dance later, comment what songs I should dance to and No I haven't listened to their new song yet," Eunchae answers questions left and right. Squirming in her sit, she does a small silly dance before standing to dance. Choosing the song; Bon Bon Chocolat, she waits for the pre-chorus before dancing along to the song. As Eunchae finishes, she pants lightly as she sits and allows her playlist to play in the background.

killed it!
dance queen of JYP 😍
beauty and talent. a full package
i'm so curious about your wgm partner andnajdn

"You'll just have to wait and see~" Eunchae giggles and winks. "Unnie, I heard you like Ateez, who's your favourite member? I don't have a favourite member," she speaks honestly. "Choreography you wouldn't try dancing to? Ateez. Why? because their dances are really complicated, i wouldn't be able to catch up," she popped the 'p'. Answering comments, Eunchae fails to notice the time ticking past fairly quickly. It's now 1 in the morning and Chan had left the building already, leaving Eunchae doing her V live.

"I think I have to go now. It's getting really late and I need energy for tomorrow's broadcast, bye bye STAY!~" Eunchae winks at the camera before ending the V live and packing her belonging, her manager's eyes watching over her. The two exit the building and Eunchae is taken to her dorm safely.

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