Make A Decision

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a/n : oh you thought it was going to end right there? sorry sweetie there's a lot more up my sleeve hehe ;)

update! if you want a hint to what happens next go to my ateez book and read the eunhyun v live chapter :3

Eunchae sat in the practice room with the other members, stretching as she prepared her body for the intense choreography they had for their songs. As she was stretching her neck, her left arm wrapping itself over head to stretch it, Jisung had entered the room loudly with wide eyes.

"I just saw Hani in PD-nim's office," he said as the members stared at him in shock, well somewhat shock. "She said something about ratting someone for threatening her? I don't know exactly," he tapped his chin in thought.

Eunchae knew exactly what he meant. Hani was going to tell JYP about her outburst on the newbie and 'threatening' her for a pathetic reason being her relationship.

Of course it was more than just the boyfriend thing. Hani not only was trying to take San away from Eunchae but was also not working hard during practices and wasn't even doing the correct choreography and falling behind, despite the members giving her countless times to rehearse and catch up. She used those times to watch Ateez videos. Of course seeing as she is the 'newbie' and Eunchae was the 'mentor' it was expected of her to be treating the younger nicely.

Hyunjin frowned. "Is she going to leave us?" he asked as he stood up with Jeongin. "I was really looking forward to introducing her to Miyoungie," he pouts.

"I don't know but she had a really confident face on so I doubt she'd leave," Jisung said and sat down by Changbin who has taking sips of water from his water bottle.

"Then what could she be doing at PD-nim's office?" Seungmin asked and right on cue, Hani had entered the room with a smirk as she glanced at Eunchae with a victorious smirk.

"JYP PD-nim wants you in his office, unnie," she empathise the last word of the sentence and smirked at her. The boys, minus Chan and Felix turned to Eunchae with confused expressions. The female 99 liner shrugged and stood up and went to his office expecting it to come.


"Eunchae I expected more from you," was the first words JYP had said to the girl when she sat down in his office. "Hani has so much potential and now she's telling me you're threatening her for taking your spot on the team? That's selfish of you Eunchae," his eyes held disappointment but Eunchae had a straight face.

"Okay so I allegedly 'threatened' her," Eunchae made air quotes. "What's going to happen if I'm being 'aggressive' to her?" she raised an eyebrow at her boss. Despite being scared, she knew her consequences weren't going to be easy.

"I'm sorry, but threatening other trainee is not our policy here at JYP," he began. His gaze was saying guilt and apologetic. Eunchae knew where it was going as well. He took a deep sigh before speaking. "I apologise but Eunchae I think it's best you and San break up or else your contract will be terminated."

Eunchae's eyes widen as she stood up suddenly at his words. "What?! San has nothing to do with this! I'm not breaking up with him just because some girl is saying I threatened her on being respectful!" she yelled with an angry expression.

JYP sighed. "I'll give you till tomorrow to discuss this any further, you may leave."


Eunchae left his office with rage. Chan noticed her mood when she first came back and wondered what gad happened to her once calming mood. "Hey Chae, what did PD-nim want to talk about?" he asked and boy did he ever regret it.

"Doesn't matter," her voice was cold as she glared at Hani who smirked victoriously back at her. "I'm going to my studio to make some calls. Don't disturb me unless it's Chan or Seungmin," she quickly left the room and headed towards her studio.

"What should I do?"

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