Movie Night

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Eunchae and San haven't been able to spend much time together due to promotions and therefore, upon learning they had a day were both of them weren't on the clock, they quickly decided to have a movie night at Eunchae's apartment. With that being said, Eunchae now stood in the kitchen preparing snacks for said movie night. A beeping sound is heard throughout the apartment, a body pushing the front door open as the person entering sighs, stepping out of their shoes and slipping into the main room. "Hi teddy, what's for dinner?" San asked with an exhausted facial expression.

"Well mountain," she began, back turned towards him before she faced him, a bowl of popcorn in her hands as she showed the treat to him. "Today is movie night," she smiled at him as her boyfriend dropped his bag and smiled behind his black mask, pulling it down to show the girl his playful smile. "Go shower and I'll meet you at the couch," Eunchae brushed passed him to sit on the couch.

San smiles at her figure and picks up his belongings, taking them with him to her room and grabbing extra clothes for a quick shower. After finishing his shower, San plops himself beside Eunchae, arm moving to rest of the back of the couch behind her head as she leaned into his embrace. "Wanna order take out as well?" her voice asks him a soft tone.

San leans backwards, finding a comfortable position as he hums lightly, face turning to kiss the top of Eunchae's head. "Get whatever you want," he mumbled into her hair, eyes fluttering close for a short second before he turned to face the tv. "I don't mind."

"Hmm, chicken? so we can tell Yeosang?" the female spoke out loud, mainly directing the question to herself when she heard San lightly chuckle at her words. "Chicken it is!" she giggles and places an order, quickly doing the details before placing her phone onto the coffee table. Her body leans forward on the couch to grab a blanket.

"What movie?" San asked, as he played with her hair, the stands flowing off his fingers as he gazed at her. The girl in his embrace hums, shrugging to indirectly tell him she did not mind seeing as she focused on placing an order for the two. Once done, she placed her phone done on the coffee table and smiled up at him. "Let's just watch a drama."

Nodding, Eunchae chooses My Neighbor Totoro on Netflix and the two relaxed, enjoying the film and snacking on the prepared popcorn. Halfway through the movie, Eunchae's phone began ringing off the table. The female leaned over and grabbed it, smiling as she turned to inform San that their takeout was downstairs. "I'll get it," San set the tv remote on the table, standing up as Eunchae watched him. "You're not stoping me because you put it in my name?" he raised an eyebrow at her as he placed on his slides.

"Yep!" the raven-haired female popped the 'p' and laughed, laying back on the couch, playing on her phone as she waited for her boyfriend to return with their food. The front door of her apartment opens, revealing San with a brown paper bag filled with her order, he slips off his slides and steps into the home, setting the bag on the couch. Euchae giggled and slid off the couch, resting the blanket she had on her lap as she took out all the items from the bag and placed them onto the table. San watches her as he returned from the kitchen, two glasses with ice in both cups in his hands. He sets the glasses on the table and opens the bottle of cola, pour a generous amount in each.

The couple continue their movie night, enjoying their late night snack and cuddled for the remainder of it, ultimately sleeping on the couch.

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