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Recently, Eunchae hadn't been feeling well. She threw up early in the mornings and had been late for mother nature. Worried, she took a pregnancy test over at PANDORA's dorms where she was staying with the other members minus Mayse who was staying with her sister.

The JYP artist took in a deep breath in as she paced back and forth in the bathroom, biting her nail as she nervously thought of the consequences of being pregnant as a young idol. Her phone buzzed, silently telling her it was time for her to check the test.

With a heavy sigh, she picked up the small white stick and immediately dropped the item when she saw it was positive. Her eyes begin to water as she fell to her feet, sobbing as she held herself tightly, trying to think of anything but the negative side of things.

"Eunchae? Are you okay?" Hayoung asked, entering the room and moving closer to the closed bathroom door. Hearing the younger's sobs, Hayoung opens the door without warning and noticed Eunchae's messy appearance. "Oh my god! Chae what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Hayoung questioned with worry as she wrapped her slender arms around the crying female.

Hearing the cries and yelling, both Minhee and Vina entered Hayoung's and Eunchae's room to witness the issue. With worried expressions, the two girls wakes over to Eunchae to comfort her.

"I can't. I can't," Eunchae mumbled over and over again which confused Black Code. Vina then noticed the small white slender plastic stick laying on the floor. Carefully entering the room, Vina picks up the object and expects it. "I can't have it. Not now," Eunchae continued to sob.

"Chae," Vina called making all the girls to look up at her. "Is this true? Are you actually pregnant?" she asked with a hush voice.

Eunchae begins to tear up more. "I-i don't know. It's positive and I was late for my p-period but," she took a deep breath. "Guys I can't, I can't have a baby, not now," she frantically commented as she held onto Hayoung with tears streaking down her face.

"Hey, hey," Hayoung called her. "Calm down. It's going to be okay. We'll book a doctor's appointment to actually see if you're pregnant or not, okay?" Eunchae nods, her breathing irregular.

"Let's al just get some sleep, yeah?" Minhee asked as both her and Vina walked into their room, Hayoung helping Eunchae to her bed. "We'll see you in the morning," the youngest told the female softly before she left the room with Vina.


Hayoung and Eunchae had left the dorms early in the morning to attend the doctor's appointment that Hayoung had made for the JYP artist last night. The Black Code leader sat in the waiting area as Eunchae went in for examination, scrolling through her phone.

"Unnie!" Eunchae beamed, skipping over to the girl with a smile. "I'm not pregnant~" she quietly cheered as Hayoung smiled at her.

"That's good," she stood up and held the younger's hand, walking out of the hospital with a smile on both their faces. "But do you want to have a baby with San one day?" the leader asked curiously as the two drove back to the dorms.

This made Eunchae think. She loves San, no doubt about it and she'd love to have a family with him one day and they never actually talked about their future together ever. "I do but I don't know if he does," the younger one whispered as she stared out the care window. "Do you think May and Hyunjin have talked about theirs?"

"They have," Hayoung smiled. "Although they're young, they already know they are each other's soulmates," she laughed. "How I wish I had that," she chuckled.

"What about Chan?" Eunchae asked with a confused face.

"Chan and I, we're talking," Hayoung gave her a small smile. "Anyways, you should call San and ask him about your future together. It'll be the next step of your relationship~" Hayoung advised.

Eunchae only nodded.


That night, Eunchae sat on her bed, phone fiddling with the technology in her hands. With a sigh, she called her boyfriend with the intentions of asking about their future. Once the call was connected, Eunchae let out a small giggle as San's bubbly voice greeted her.

"Hi baby! How can I help you?~" his voice rang through her ears as she giggled at his cuteness.

"Hey, I have a question," she informed him with a hushed voice. This made San very worried as the two hadn't been having an troubles since their massive argument weeks ago. His hum told her, he was listening to her words. "Do you want to have a family with me?" she hesitantly spoke.

"Of course I do baby!" San automatically answered with the happiest voice Eunchae has ever heard. "I love you and you know that~ But why do you ask?" Eunchae let out a deep sigh and explained what had happened prior to her call to San. "Aww baby, one day we'll make a family I promise," he smiled through the phone.

"Have I ever told you that I love you," Eunchae smiled as she giggled. "Like, a lot?"

"I love you too Teddy!~"

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