Meeting Kuroo

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Eunchae arrived at KQ Entertainment, dressed in grey sweatpants, a black crop top and a pair of doc martins on her feet. In her arms was a cute black fluffball named Kuroo. Entering, she greets staff with a small bow, their eyes drifting to the animal in her arms, providing the shy cat head pats and rubs in which resulted in soft purrs leaving his mouth. Smiling, Eunchae makes her way to the practice room where she was aware that the members of ATEEZ resided, practicing their song; THANXX.

"Do not fear, your favourite soloist is here~" the maroon dyed-haired female sang lightly, waltzing into the practice room with her kitten in her arms. "With her cute little baby~" she cooed, bring the kitten closer to her face as she baby-talked the small animal.

"And I feel replaced," San commented with a pout, slumping onto the ground, now sitting crisscross on the floor as his members laughed at his reaction. "But hello to you too princess," he smiled at her.

"Chae!! Lemme see the baby!!" Raehyun gushed, rushing over to her best friend and cooing sweetly at the kitten in her friend's arms, wanting to take the kitten away to be in her embrace. "Can I hold him? Please, please, please~" the 99 liner questioned rapidly, her eyes widening to give puppy eyes. Eunchae chuckles and nods, carefully handing Kuroo to Raehyun who giggled and began playing with the cooperating black furred kitten.

"Aw what a cute cat! What did you name him?" Seonghwa awed, walking closer to Raehyun and also playing with the kitten, his members following his actions as San sat on the floor where he originally was, pouting and arms out for his girlfriend to fall — safely, into his arms for a hug.

Laughing at her boyfriend's clingy antics, Eunchae sat down near him and smiled as she was pulled into his loving and tight embrace, the male's head nuzzled into her neck. "His name's Kuroo," Eunchae smiled at her friends who nodded and continued playing with her pet. "Sanie don't you want to play with him?" the girl turned to look at her boyfriend who pouted and shook his head, hugging her tightly as he nuzzled his head further into her neck, causing her to giggle.

"No he already has their attention but I want yours," he mumbled into her skin however pouted with Eunchae pulled away to retrieve Kuroo. "Hey—What, Teddy I was cuddling you!" he protested with a pout as his girlfriend approached him, returning to their past position however with the addition of her cat in her arms, sleeping soundly. "Oh he's cute," San began, glancing at the cat, raising a hand to pet the kitten's soft fur. "Not as cute as Byul but cute."

"Of course he is! He's my baby after all!" "I thought I was your baby?"

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