We Got Married 💍 - Supporting

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Eunchae woke up in her cold home for We Got Married. San had rested and stayed in his dorm as he was preparing for his comeback with the rest of Ateez. Today the rookie group would be holding their showcase for their new album at Mnet. San invited his virtual wife to attend for motivation to which Eunchae agreed to go. She dresses in one of his black hoodies and a pair of denim jeans. Not being a big fan of makeup, she opted to wear lip balm and bb cream for today's events. Eunchae grabbed her purse and her manger drove her down to Mnet where Ateez waited for her. She had stopped at a  nearby cafe to pickup some drinks for the boys, to keep them both awake and energised. When she entered their dressing room, she smiled and greeted the boys.

"Jjang!~ Annyeong! I brought drinks!" She announced as the boys turns and gaps at her amused by her entrance. Eunchae giggles, handing out the boy's drinks with her gentle smile. "Oh you haven't gotten your makeup done yet?" She questioned her fake husband, handing him a yogurt smoothie and playing with her untouched hair.

"Eung...Gomawo," he thanks her for the drink and takes a sip. "I should be after Hongjoong hyung," he informs her, to which she replies with an open mouth and a nod. San grabs her waist, pulling her to stand in between his legs, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck. He stares up at Eunchae for a few seconds, analysing her features. Creeped out, the female questions him. "Are you bare-faced?" San asked, reaching up to poke her cheek.

Eunchae pouts and swats his hand away. "Yea! So what? Am I ugly?" she gives an angry pout.

San chuckles and pats her head. "Ani, you look very pretty~"

Smiling, Eunchae giggles at the male who also smiles. The two converse when one of KQ's makeup artists called for San. Both San and Eunchae walked over to the makeup station, San sitting in the chair and Eunchae beside him, on her phone. The stylist fixed San's hair, almost done and ready to move onto his makeup when an idea popped into her head. "Chae," she calls making the Stray Kids member look up at her. Since being virtually married to the KQ artist, Eunchae has grown close to the KQ staff that worked with them. "I have to go do Wooyoung-ssi's makeup, can you do San's?"

"Eh? But I don't know how?"

"Eh~ Don't lie! You know very well his makeup look! You gush every time you see him with it!"


"Thank you, bye bye!"

With that, the KQ staff left to go do Wooyoung's hair and makeup. With a blushed face, Eunchae glances over to San who smirks at her. "You stare at my face that much?" unable to speak, she only slaps his arm repeatedly.

"Don't tease me!~"

"Ah! Okay okay!~ But do you want to do my makeup?"

"Do I have a choice?"


San smiles, pulling Eunchae's arm in order to make her sit in his lap — straddling him. The female idol pouts at him as he smiles at her expression. "Aigoo~ My Teddy is upset?~" he babytalks to her as she swats his hands away from her cheeks.

"Be quiet!~"

Again, Eunchae pouts before grabbing the needed materials for San's eye look. As she sits in San's lap, doing his makeup, San places one arm around her waist, stablising her so she doesn't fall and the other tapping away on his phone. A few minutes passed and Eunchae finished his eye makeup. She stared for a few minutes going to speak when Jongho came up to the two with a camera. Filming for their logbook.

"San who is practicing," he said, filming both San and Eunchae through the mirror. "Oh and Eunchae noona is here as well. Noona, are you doing Sanie hyung's makeup?"

Eunchae nods with a pout. She slumps as she points to San's left eye. "This one doesn't look that good..." however San only tells her it was okay and that she did a good job. "Okay! Next is lip balm!" she giggles. Reaching the lip balm and another brush. Jongho had gone to attack Yunho who sat beside the couple, suddenly singing.

"He wasn't practising before!" San exposed. Eunchae gently pushes against his jaw to make the male face her, applying the lip balm onto his lips in a calming manner. Once finished, she placed everything back where it was originally and smiled at her husband.


The boys of ATEEZ finished their preparations and headed towards the stage to meet their fans; ATINY. San was the first one to be on the stage, followed by Wooyoung and the others. Eunchae caught up with the boys and smiled at their playfulness. ATINY notice the female. Screaming, Eunchae turned and interacted with ATINY. She focuses on the boys that prepare for the stage. After a few hours, the showcase ended and the boys plus Eunchae were now rushing to meet ATINYs outside of the building.

San holds Eunchae's hand as they sped walked over to the large group of fans, waving enthusiastically as fans screamed their ship name. The boys thanked the fans for staying late at night for them. It lasted for a few minutes before they went out for dinner.

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