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Eunchae stood in her room inside Stray Kids' dorm. She sighed as she stared at how everything was set up. Not much had changed, all the older furniture she left stayed in their positions, dusty and untouched. After pondering for a few moments, Eunchae smiled when an idea popped into her mind. She exited the room to skip over to Chan's room that he shared with Minho, Seungmin and Hyunjin. "Chan~Chanie~" she sang, entering the room with a skip as the four members glanced at her with suspicion eyes. "Why are you all staring me as if I murdered someone?"

"Because you came in here singing my name and that would mean we would have to take the blame," Chan commented from his spot on the floor. "Whatever happened, does it involve in us having to protect you or Jeongin?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Okay firstly, if I did kill someone, I wouldn't drag my child into it," she said in sass. "And secondly, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to help me redecorate my room," she placed a hand on her hip.

"Oh," Chan let out, getting up to stand up on his feet. "Sure!" he cheered with a smile, following the girl out of the room and into hers.

"Let's start by moving all the furniture either to the centre of outside of the room," she mumbled as the two did just that, pushing all the hardwood furniture outside of the room for a better view of how she wanted to set things up.

"Since you have a shelving wall there, why don't you set up a desk in the large component?" Chan suggesting, pointing to the large opening of her built in shelving wall. "You can do your studying there."

Eunchae nodded her head, agreeing to his idea. "You move it, I'm tired," she whined, flaying her arm to gesture for the leader to move the desk into the cavity of the wall. "Ahh we're almost done~" she hummed, stretching her arms.

"Okay let's finish with moving your bed and then I'm going to shower," Chan laughed as the two moved the bed to be against the furthest wall from the door. "Done!" he cheered before rushing out of the room to shower, making Eunchae laugh.

Moving to close the door, Eunchae began quietly decorating the remaining empty walls of her room and organised her closet along with cleaning her room to be free from any dust.

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