hanging with the cousin

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today eunchae planned an entire day out with her cousin, jeno of nct. being idols meant they didn't have as much time as they'd like to spend it with family and being from two very different companies that prioritise different things, it was hard for the two to schedule a day of relaxing and catching up just between the two of them. dressed in a very simplistic outfit, eunchae grabbed her belongings and drove to nct dream's dorms where she would be picking up her cousin.

parking right out front, the female pulled out her phone and called the younger male with a small hum leaving her lips. the call rings three times before jeno answers with a simple and polite — 'hello?'. "hi i'm outside," she informed the 00 liner who responded casually, the sound of shuffling being heard and him ending the phone call. putting her phone away, eunchae sits in her car, gazing around the area of nct dream's dorms — softly humming to herself as she waits for her cousin who arrives with a bag in his hands, dressed like a college student and wearing his glasses along with a mask.

"hi noona," he greeted with a smile, his eyes turning into crescent moon which makes the girl swoon at how adorable he was. "how was driving here?" he asked randomly as he settled into the passenger seat, eunchae driving away as he seatbelts.

"it was okay, not as much traffic as i expected," she shrugged, leaning back in the seat as she drove. "i honestly thought one of your fans would see me and follow me to your dorm. i'd feel bad if that happened," she frowned to herself as jeno played on his phone, most likely texting his members or playing a game.

"ani, i think some already know it? like our sasaengs," he stated casually despite his tone being off. eunchae frowns at this however understands his worries about fans finding their dorm and the dangers of it being known. "if the address is leaked than we'll probably just move to a different dorm anyways. there's only four of us living there anyways," he said with a small smile.

"that is true. haechanie lives with 127 and chenle lives with his family doesn't he?" she asked the male who hummed and nodded, looking up at the road in front of them. "well if you ever need a space to stay at, i have space in my apartment. i might have enough for all four of you," she smiled at him, turning to face him momentarily before returning her gaze to the road.

"thanks for the offer noona," he eye-smiles at the female who returns the gesture. "can we get coffee before we go bowling?" he asked as he spotted a cafe by the road. noticing his actions, eunchae nods and parallel parks in front of the small business. "i'll buy it. just wait in the car noona," he smiled once more.

"aigoo what a kind boy," she laughs at her words, nodding at him and waving a dismissive hand, the brunette watched jeno exit the car and enter the cafe to purchase the two coffee before heading out to bowling. at bowling, the two idols signed up for an aisle and found their accurate bowling shoes and bowls before heading for the aisle where they played a few games. during turns, they would provoke each other jokingly and overall had a fun time together — even took a few photos and posted them only for fans to see. after their day of hanging out, eunchae dropped off jeno at the dorms and returned to her apartment.

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