1st Win

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Eunchae stood beside Chan and Jisung, her legs brushing against each other as she pouts and waits for the winner of the week to be announced. She was happy to just be nominated for first place. As she stands, she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist in anxiousness. It's Jisung. Eunchae pats his head like a dog owner and smiles lightly. "Don't worry, our ti—"

"Stray Kids!! Congratulations!"

Eunchae was so lost in thought that she hadn't realised the announcement was happening. And when she heard the group's name being announced, she stood still. Frozen like an ice sculpture being used as a display in a fancy restaurant. Rethinking the moments she quietly points to herself. "We, we won?" she questioned quietly. Tears beginning to brim her eyes. "We got our first win," she whispers. Chan makes his speech as Jisung kneels besides her, crying his eyes out. STAY screaming drowns Eunchae's thoughts. Feeling a nudge, Eunchae snaps out of her thoughts to see Chan telling her to make her speech. "Oh," she freezes again. Words not comprehending in her mind. "This is so shocking," she mumbles. "Thank you to STAYs for supporting and loving us!! We will do our best and work extremely hard in the future!~ Hwaiting!" she cheers, tears in her eyes.

As MIROH begins to play, Eunchae's tears fall in sync, she squats down, covering her mouth as she cries. "Awwweee, babygirl don't cry!!" Chan awes. Rushing to hug her after comforting Jisung. Her tears don't stop even with her leader. "It's okay~" he pats her head, picking her up to stand on her feet, chuckling as he looked at the crowd of STAYs screaming the lyrics with all their might. Eunchae thought to herself. 4419. What started with being a bus number to Chan turned into a first performance with his desired group turned into a huge achievement in their careers. Her smile begins to appear. This all happened because of Chan and STAY. They made the win possible. And she's thankful for having them in her life.

"STAY!! I love you!!~~" Eunchae says into her microphone after singing her lines. Her smile brightening their eyes and smiles as she jumps around whilst making a large heart pose. Eunchae's eyes widen at an idea and gathers the members, arranging their arms into a heart with her being in the middle creating a smaller heart inside.

"STAY! WE LOVE YOU!~" The entire group shouted without the microphones to keep the pose. Allowing fans to capture the scene and pose for instagram and twitter.

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