"it was only a dream"

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shoutout to my bean @lydxaaa for giving me this idea!!

it was a cold morning that eunchae awoke from her deep slumber. sitting up, her white comforter falls down and piles up at her waist, a hand running through her raven hair. her surroundings unfamiliar to her senses. it was different to her apartment she only just began getting used to. "where am i?" she mumbles to herself, getting off the bed and glanced around the room, taking in the new surroundings.

"my bedroom? in australia?" she questioned quietly, her feet rushing to her window and opening the curtains, the sun shining through the glass. blinking her eyes rapidly to adjust to the light, eunchae finds herself looking out her window to see her old outlook view of her childhood. "i'm home?" she wondered.

suddenly she heard a knock on her door, a soft feminine voice calling out to her. "eliana, sweetie are you up?" the voice called. automatically, the female knew it was her mother. "it's time for breakfast," she continued before opening the door and peeking into it. "oh honey you're up. come down for breakfast sweetie, mitch is still asleep so be quiet okay?"

eunchae stared at her mother for a few moments before nodding. "uh, yeah sure mum," she responded before her mother left the room, closing the door behind her. "i'm home? in australia?" the girl mumbled before leaving the room, going down the stairs quietly, careful not to wake her younger brother. still, she wondered how she got here, was it real or just a dream.

once downstairs, eunchae walked into their living room, sitting on the couch and turning on the widescreen tv that rested on the wall. "let's see what's on tv~" she sang, flipping through the channels before stopping on youtube. "oh? kcon 2019?"

she scrolled through the videos and found stray kids. with a smile, she clicked on the video and watched it closely, trying to find her dancing figure performing with them, only to find herself nowhere. "wait what? i'm in that performance?" she thought out-loud.

her mother entered the joint room and frowned at her daughter. "honey what are you on about? you've been australia since you were born," she asked with a concern expression. "your older brother jay is the only family member of ours to be in korea," she informed, sitting beside eunchae. "he's with your aunt and uncle and your cousin, jeno."

"but, i left with him?...and was a trainee at jyp," eunchae mumbled, staring at the screen. "i debuted with those boys. they were like my second family."

her mother gave a concerned look. suddenly the video changed to ateez, and eunchae quickly paused on san's face. "i know him! he's my boyfriend!" she pointed at the screen, standing up as she stared at the blonde boy on her tv screen.

"oh honey," her mother called out, pulling her down to sit back on the couch with her. "i think you're still half asleep," she petted her hair, cradling her like a baby. "you must have stayed up so late studying you began imagining things."

"but i'm not!" eunchae argued, removing herself from her mother's grip, tears threatening to fall. "he is my boyfriend! and i did move to korea with jay! i did become a trainee! stop lying to me!" she yelled.

"honey you're going to wake minwoo up, lower your voice!" her mother yelled back softly, trying to calm the freaked out girl.

"no!" eunchae clenched onto her hair as she shook her head. "i don't like it here! i wanna go back! i miss san! i miss stray kids! give them back to me!" she cried, gripping her head tighter, falling to her feet as tears ran down her eyes.

everything then went silent, only her cries were heard throughout the echoing room. eunchae slowly glanced up and saw she was in a dark room, shadow figures towering over her, mumbling things she forever never wanted to hear to her face over and over again.

"you're no star" "everything has all been a lie" "you never were meant to be on stage" "you have no talent"

"stop it! stop it! stop it!" she screamed, thrashing around, trying to escape the shadows who only followed her endlessly. the female cried, tears streaming down her cheeks as she cried for help, wanting nothing more but to be back in san's arms or even be with stray kids once again. "leave me alone!!"

"baby?" a faint voice called out, making eunchae turn her attention to where it was. "baby? are you okay? baby?" the voice continued. without hesitation, eunchae got up and ran towards the sound, tears in her eyes as she tried escaping the taunting shadows that followed her endlessly.
"baby?" eunchae's eyes fluttered open, her cheeks sticky as she was welcomed with the sight of her loving boyfriend who stared down at her with a concerned expression. "are you okay? you were yelling and scream—" without letting him finished, eunchae jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck as she silently cried.

"please don't leave me," she cried. "please, please, please," she begged, her grip tightening as she thought of her nightmare once more.

san's chest tighten at the broken voice of his girlfriend. seeing her cry was his least favourite thing in the entire world and all he could do at the moment was hold her tight in his embrace and mumble sweet nothings to her, promising to never leave her side, allowing the girl to cry as much as she need to before she fell back asleep.

"it was only a dream baby," he held her tightly, slowly and gently falling against his back on the bed and moving the love of his life to rest on his chest, rubbing soothing circles on her back as eunchae now slept peacefully on him. "i promise i won't leave," he commented quietly, kissing her forehead before he too, fell into a deep slumber.

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