Final Decision

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eunchae's pov

Here I am. Sitting in JYP's office with my arms crossed in front of my chest, foot tapping in anxiousness as to what I had been called here for. The others had gone down to the company yesterday and according to what Chan had told me, pled JYP to allow me to stay in the company and be with San at the same time.

Of course, I know he wouldn't let that happen so I'm prepared to tell him about my decision to leave. I still remember the conversation I had with the boys prior to me being in this position.


"Eunchae, I hope you know that even if you choose to leave the company," Chan said with a chocked voice. All nine of them sitting in the living room surrounding the brunette female who gave them all a sad smile. "That we'll s-still support you no matter what. A-and if he gives you the option to stay, please do what is best for you," he finished, tearing up slightly as the group hugged her.


"Eunchae," my eyes snapped up to his gaze. It was strong yet held the smallest bit of the caring person she had grown to know and love to have as a boss. "The boys had come to my office yesterday afternoon. Were you aware of that?"

I gave him a short nod. "We were talking about my contract termination and they had argued that they were to come and beg to let me stay," I spoke formally. He still is my boss and an older person who I have respect for.

"I am aware of that," he said, leaning back in his office chair. "My decision still stands. Rather you breakup with Mr.Choi or we sadly have to terminate your contract," his voice was stern.

I thought for a moment before letting out a deep sigh. "Can I say a few words before I make my final decision?" I requested to which he nodded, leaving back in his chair. "PD-nim," I stood up from my chair and bowed 90 degrees to him. "Thank you for everything you have done for me!" I sincerely said before sitting back down and noticed the smile on his face. "I've been here for a long time and I cannot thank you, the staff and everyone else enough for all the hard work you have put into making me the artist I am today," I smiled at him.

"Thank you but I think it's time for us to part ways," I said with tears. I watched as the CEO who sat in front of me, stand up and walked over to me, engulfing me into a fatherly hug. "Thank you so much PD-nim."

"Stop saying thank you," JYP released me from his embrace before we sat down on the couch. "You're still my artist even if you leave and pursue even more somewhere else. You'll always be apart of the JYP family," he smiled at me. "Thank you for being one of our great artists Eunchae."

The two of us shared another hug before I was dismissed after having my contract terminated. Once I stepped outside, I saw the eight of my members staring at me with loving eyes. They engulfed me into a group hug and congratulated me for listening to me heart.

"I'm really sorry everyone but, I think I'm better off there," I gave them a smile.

"Aigoo~ Don't be sorry! We'll support you no matter what and as long as you keep your promise in visiting us every two week than we're fine!" Chan patted my head as we exited the building.

"Son Eunchae fighing!" they cheered in unison making me laugh.

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