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This has been one of the worst weeks Eunchae has ever experienced in her lifetime. She had no motivation to do anything physical and wasn't as happy as she used to be. Her activity online with her fans died soon after her funk began and fans automatically noticed her change in behaviour. Many STAYs were worried when she stopped her annual instagram livestream for fans and noticed her sadness throughout the last few weeks. It got to the point where she refused to contact the one person who could make her smile in 0.000001 seconds. Yes, she refused to speak to San. The two didn't have any trouble with their relationship. They were the ideal couple as many called them. Barely arguing and were always happy to be around or see each other. Things seemed to be going so well until Eunchae's funk began.

During this time, Eunchae remained in her dorm room with PANDORA. She stared blankly at her phone screen, which wasn't turned on. Only a black screen. The other PANDORA members would occasionally knock on her door and ask whether or not she was okay and even tried helping her get out of her sadden mood but all failed. As her brown eyes aimlessly stared at the black screen, her phone lights up and vibrates in her hand, a song playing softly into the empty room. Eunchae stares at the contact that was largely displayed on her screen before sitting up on her bed and sliding the green icon to accept the call.

"Hello?" she answered blankly, her voice hoarse from lack of hydration. She could hear the person on the other end breathing softly as they mumbled a few words. "Do you need something?" her voice was dull, drained off all its love and cheeriness.

"Yah," the person said over the phone. "What's going on with you? Are you okay? Why have you been ignoring me?" they asked, worry laced throughout his tone.

"Just...been busy," Eunchae responded, blankly staring at her wall that held nothing.

"Are you bored of me? Why are you ignoring my calls? My texts?!" his voice slowly increased in volume. "Are you losing interest in me?" his voice broke, making Eunchae feel slightly bad.

"Ani...It's just," she tried finding the words to describe how she was feeling however couldn't. She trued her hardest to find them in the back of her mind but failed to due so.

"It's just what?" he asked, voice tense. "Are you talking to someone else? Are you that bored of me? Yah, if you were losing interest you should've just told me." he ranted to her.

"Yah," Eunchae interrupted him from going further on. "If you're going to accuse me of something I would never do then don't talk to me," her voice was stern as she heard him scoff on the other side of the line.

"Accusing? I'm justing stating the facts. You haven't been contacting me in the last seven weeks, clearly something has to be going on seeing as we usually always contact every single day. Who is it huh? Woojin? Moonbin? Who huh?"

At this point, Eunchae began to feel tears in her eyes, however she kept them in, clearly her throat as she spoke. "Yah. Just because I don't contact you every single day does not mean I'm cheating! I would never do such thing and you of all people should know that. Leave Woojin and Moonbin out of this. They're innocent."

"Wah~ Protecting your victims. You reached a new low," Eunchae felt her tears run down her cheeks as she listened to him laugh mockingly. "It's clear to me that we aren't who we used to be. We drifted way to much. Let's take a break."

"What? Take a break?" her voice broke once more. "Okay fine. If that's what you want. Just remember that I wasn't the one who started this entire fight."

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