Insta Live

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italics = korean

"Hi hello my beautiful angels~" Eunchae waved enthusiastically at her phone that was prompted on tripod. She smiled as her livestream viewers increased making her giggle. "Guys I've been wondering," she started as she leaned back into her chair inside her room. "Do you guys want a fandom name?" she asked, her hands out to the phone.

omg yesss
what would we be called?
this is going to be the most unproblematic fandom ever fjjgsaks

Eunchae's eyes scanned the comments and lightly chuckle at her fans. "I don't know what to call you guys," she began, tucking a few strands of hair behind her right ear. "I'll let you guys decide."

from now on we're the san appreciation squad 😤
omfg yes!!!
we love that

"San appreciation squad? That's just a fact about me," Eunchae shrugged. "I expect all my fans to appreciate and love him," she pointed at her phone. "He's a precious bean and I love him."

sanchae >>>>
couple of the year goes to sanchae
this is so cute 🥺🥺
find you a support gf like eunchae is to san

Eunchae giggled, reading the comments about her relationship. "Unnie, when is your next comeback?" the brunette read. "Soon my loves, soon," she winked. Her eyes scanned the comments. "Hunny Jars? Teddies? Sunshines?" she listed off from the comments. "I don't know guys, you choose your name~" she smiled.

She hummed lightly to MCND's Ice Age, reading comments before she read one out loud. "Group you're recently into? MCND," she immediately answered, singing their debut song and doing a few of the movements. "It's really addicting," she giggled.

"Ask questions guys," she smiled. She watched the comments fly by on her screen, trying her best to read in the comments before a question sticker popped up. "Favourite Stray Kids song? I like Voices and On Track," she smiled.

"Closest idol friend?" she thought for a moment. "Raehyunie, Sanie, Kirika and Chanie," she smiled.

"Least attractive thing in a guy?" Eunchae read the question on the sticker. "Uhh being cocky?" she tilted her head like a puppy. She hummed a small tune before another question popped up. "One thing you'd say to STAY? STAY I love you!"

eunchae being cute with stay even after she left :((
you'll forever be a stray kids member in my heart 🥺
i'm soft for you

"I really...," Eunchae began a message popped up on her screen, causing her to laugh. "I just got a message from Felix saying he finally beat Chan in League," she laughed. "Anyways, I really want to see you guys but the whole pandemic thing is really serious so I hope you all are social distancing and in quarantine."

the fact she still talks to the members 🥺🥺
i love you 💓💕💗💞💘💝💖
the kindest idol ever

Suddenly Eunchae received another message but from an unknown number just like yesterday.

Unknown Number
are you comfy?
*photo attached*

Eunchae glanced around her room and went to shut her windows closed and pulled the blinds down, slightly freaked out by the message. "I'm going to go now guys, don't forget to send in fandom name suggestions!" she smiled to her camera. "Bye I love you!!"

a/n : what should eunchae's fandom name be?

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